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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing F, G, L, T, U and Y

BUTTERFLYINGbutterflying v. Present participle of butterfly.
BUTTERFLY v. to split almost entirely and spread apart e.g. a steak.
DELIGHTFULLYdelightfully adv. In a delightful manner.
DELIGHTFUL adv. full of delight.
DISGUSTFULLYdisgustfully adv. (Archaic) In a way that inspires disgust.
DISGUSTFUL adv. provoking disgust.
FIGURABILITYfigurability n. The quality of being figurable.
FIGURABILITY n. the quality of being figurable.
FIGURATIVELYfiguratively adv. (Manner) In a figurative manner.
figuratively adv. Used to indicate that what follows is to be taken as a figure of speech, not literally.
FIGURATIVE adv. representing by a figure or resemblance.
FLAGITIOUSLYflagitiously adv. In a flagitious manner.
FLAGITIOUS adv. marked by scandalous crime or vice; villainous.
FLUTTERINGLYflutteringly adv. In a fluttering manner.
FULIGINOSITYfuliginosity n. The condition or quality of being fuliginous; sootiness.
fuliginosity n. Matter deposited by smoke.
FULIGINOSITY n. the state of being fuliginous.
INSIGHTFULLYinsightfully adv. In an insightful manner; with insight.
INSIGHTFUL adv. exhibiting or characterized by insight.
NEGLECTFULLYneglectfully adv. In a neglectful manner.
NEGLECTFUL adv. full of neglect.
SPRIGHTFULLYsprightfully adv. In a sprightful manner.
SPRIGHTFUL adv. (obsolete) full of spirit or of life.
STUPEFYINGLYstupefyingly adv. In a stupefying manner.
STUPEFYING adv. STUPEFY, to dull the senses of.
THOUGHTFULLYthoughtfully adv. In a thoughtful or pensive manner.
thoughtfully adv. In a way that shows kindness or consideration for others.
THOUGHTFUL adv. absorbed in thought.
UNGRATEFULLYungratefully adv. In an ungrateful manner, done in a way lacking gratitude.
UNGRATEFUL adv. showing no gratitude, also INGRATEFUL.
UNRIGHTFULLYunrightfully adv. In an unrightful manner.
UNRIGHTFUL adv. not rightful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 29 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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