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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing F, G, L, N, P and T

FACEPLANTINGfaceplanting v. Present participle of faceplant.
face-planting v. Present participle of face-plant.
FACEPLANT v. to fall onto ones face.
FINGERPLATESfingerplates n. Plural of fingerplate.
FINGERPLATE n. a plate to protect a door from dirty fingers.
PELLETIFYINGPELLETIFY v. to make into a pellet.
PLATFORMINGSPLATFORMING n. a process for reforming petroleum using a platinum catalyst.
POWERLIFTINGpowerlifting n. (Sports) A strength sport, consisting of three events: the squat, the bench press, and the deadlift…
powerlifting n. (Disability sports) A strength parasport, consisting of a single-rep benchpress.
POWERLIFTING n. the sport of weightlifting.
PREFLIGHTINGpreflighting v. Present participle of preflight.
PREFLIGHT v. to inspect an aircraft before flight.
SHOPLIFTINGSshopliftings n. Plural of shoplifting.
SHOPLIFTING n. the act of stealing goods from a store.
SPIFLICATINGspiflicating v. Present participle of spiflicate.
SPIFLICATE v. to overcome or dispose of by violence, also SPIFFLICATE.
STUPEFYINGLYstupefyingly adv. In a stupefying manner.
STUPEFYING adv. STUPEFY, to dull the senses of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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