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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing F, G, H, O, S and T

AFTERGROWTHSaftergrowths n. Plural of aftergrowth.
AFTERGROWTH n. a later growth, an aftermath.
DOGFIGHTINGSDOGFIGHTING n. engaging in aerial combat.
DOWNSHIFTINGdownshifting v. Present participle of downshift.
downshifting n. A social trend towards living a simpler, less ambitious life with a better work-life balance.
DOWNSHIFTING n. the act of selecting a lower gear.
FEEDTHROUGHSfeedthroughs n. Plural of feedthrough.
feed-throughs n. Plural of feed-through.
FEEDTHROUGH n. a device for connecting two parts of an electronic circuit.
FORESIGHTFULforesightful adj. Having, exercising, or characterised by foresight; forward-looking; prudent.
FORESIGHTFUL adj. full of foresight.
FORETHOUGHTSforethoughts n. Plural of forethought.
FORETHOUGHT n. a thinking or planning out in advance.
FOTHERGILLASFOTHERGILLA n. any plant of the Fothergilla genus of North American deciduous shrubs of the witch-hazel family.
FURTHCOMINGSFURTHCOMING n. in Scots law, an action brought by an arrester against the arrestee and the common debtor after an arrestment in order that the arrested money or property be delivered to the arrester.
HETEROGRAFTSheterografts n. Plural of heterograft.
HETEROGRAFT n. a graft of tissue between individuals of different species, a xenograft.
HISTORIFYINGhistorifying v. Present participle of historify.
HISTORIFY v. to record in history.
OUTFIGHTINGSOUTFIGHTING n. fighting at a distance, not at close range.
OVERFREIGHTSoverfreights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfreight.
OVERFREIGHT v. to overload.
PLOUGHSTAFFSploughstaffs n. Plural of ploughstaff.
PLOUGHSTAFF n. one of the handles of a plough, also PLOWSTAFF.
SHOPLIFTINGSshopliftings n. Plural of shoplifting.
SHOPLIFTING n. the act of stealing goods from a store.
SPORTFISHINGsportfishing n. Fishing for pleasure or competition, as opposed to commercial fishing.
sportfishing v. Present participle of sportfish.
SPORTFISHING n. fishing for sport.
THROUGHFARESthroughfares n. Plural of throughfare.
THROUGHFARE n. (Shakespeare) a thoroughfare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 116 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 13 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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