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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing F, G, H, O and 2R

AFTERGROWTHSaftergrowths n. Plural of aftergrowth.
AFTERGROWTH n. a later growth, an aftermath.
DRAUGHTPROOFdraughtproof adj. That prevents the entry of draughts.
draughtproof v. To seal an opening, so as to prevent the entry of draughts.
DRAUGHTPROOF v. to make proof against draughts.
FLUOROGRAPHYfluorography n. Photofluorography.
fluorography n. Visualisation of radiolabelled material.
FLUOROGRAPHY n. the photography of the image produced on a fluorescent screen by X rays.
FOREGATHEREDforegathered v. Simple past tense and past participle of foregather.
FOREGATHER v. to gather together, assemble, also FORGATHER.
FOREREACHINGforereaching v. Present participle of forereach.
FOREREACH v. to glide ahead, esp. when going in stay.
FORGATHERINGforgathering n. A gathering together; an assembly.
forgathering v. Present participle of forgather.
FORGATHER v. to gather together, assemble, also FOREGATHER.
FORTHRIGHTLYforthrightly adv. In a forthright manner.
FORTHRIGHT adv. straightforward.
FRACTOGRAPHYfractography n. The study of fracture surfaces of materials.
FRACTOGRAPHY n. the microscopic study of fractures in metal surfaces.
FROGMARCHINGfrogmarching v. Present participle of frogmarch.
frog-marching v. Present participle of frog-march.
frog␣marching v. Present participle of frog march.
HETEROGRAFTSheterografts n. Plural of heterograft.
HETEROGRAFT n. a graft of tissue between individuals of different species, a xenograft.
HORRIFYINGLYhorrifyingly adv. In a horrifying manner.
HORRIFYING adv. HORRIFY, to cause a reaction of horror.
HYDROFORMINGhydroforming n. (Engineering) A cost-effective way of shaping malleable metals into lightweight, stiff pieces by means…
hydroforming n. (Organic chemistry) The reaction of petroleum with hydrogen.
HYDROFORMING n. the catalytic reforming of petroleum to increase the proportion of aromatic and branched-chain hydrocarbons.
OVERFREIGHTSoverfreights v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfreight.
OVERFREIGHT v. to overload.
THOROUGHFAREthoroughfare n. (Now rare except in certain set phrases) A passage; a way through.
thoroughfare n. A road open at both ends or connecting one area with another; a highway or main street.
thoroughfare n. (Uncountable) The act of going through; passage; travel, transit.
THROUGHFARESthroughfares n. Plural of throughfare.
THROUGHFARE n. (Shakespeare) a thoroughfare.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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