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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2F, I, L, N and O

AFFILIATIONSaffiliations n. Plural of affiliation.
AFFILIATION n. the result of affiliating.
AFFRONTINGLYaffrontingly adv. In an affronting manner.
AFFRONTING adv. causing affront.
COPLAINTIFFScoplaintiffs n. Plural of coplaintiff.
COPLAINTIFF n. a joint plaintiff.
EFFLORESCINGefflorescing v. Present participle of effloresce.
EFFLORESCE v. to flower; burgeon; (chemistry) to become powder when exposed to air.
EXSUFFLATIONexsufflation n. (Obsolete) A blast from beneath.
exsufflation n. (Obsolete) A kind of exorcism by blowing with the breath.
exsufflation n. (Biology, obsolete) A strongly forced expiration of air from the lungs.
FLIPFLOPPINGflipflopping v. Present participle of flipflop.
flip-flopping v. Present participle of flip-flop.
FLIPFLOP v. to perform a backward somersault.
FOOTFAULTINGfootfaulting v. Present participle of footfault.
FOOTFAULT v. to commit a serving fault at tennis.
FORTIFYINGLYfortifyingly adv. In a manner that fortifies.
FORTIFYING adv. FORTIFY, to strengthen against attack.
INSUFFLATIONinsufflation n. The action of breathing or blowing into or on.
insufflation n. The result of breathing or blowing into or on.
insufflation n. The ritual breathing onto the water used for baptism.
INSUFFLATORSinsufflators n. Plural of insufflator.
INSUFFLATOR n. one who insufflates.
NONOFFICIALSnonofficials n. Plural of nonofficial.
NONOFFICIAL n. one who is not an official.
SCAFFOLDINGSscaffoldings n. Plural of scaffolding.
SCAFFOLDING n. a framework of platforms for painters.
UNOFFICIALLYunofficially adv. In a way that is not official.
UNOFFICIAL adv. not official.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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