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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing F, 2N, 2O and R

CONFORMANCEconformance n. The act of conforming; conformity.
CONFORMANCE n. the act of conforming.
CONFOUNDERSconfounders n. Plural of confounder.
CONFOUNDER n. one who confounds.
CONFRONTERSconfronters n. Plural of confronter.
CONFRONTER n. one who confronts.
CONFRONTINGconfronting adj. Causing distress; upsetting.
confronting v. Present participle of confront.
CONFRONT v. to face defiantly.
FOREKNOWINGforeknowing n. Foreknowledge.
foreknowing v. Present participle of foreknow.
FOREKNOW v. to know beforehand.
FORLORNNESSforlornness n. The state or characteristic of being forlorn; sadness; loneliness.
FORLORNNESS n. the state of being forlorn.
FORNICATIONfornication n. (Religion, law) Sexual intercourse by people who are not married to each other, or which is considered…
fornication n. (Colloquial) Sexual intercourse in general; sex.
FORNICATION n. consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other.
FRANCOPHONEfrancophone adj. Alternative letter-case form of Francophone.
francophone n. Alternative letter-case form of Francophone.
Francophone adj. French-speaking.
GONFALONIERgonfalonier n. One who bears the gonfalon.
gonfalonier n. An official, particularly a chief magistrate of a mediaeval Italian republic; the bearer of the republic’s gonfalon.
GONFALONIER n. a person who carries a gonfalon; the chief magistrate in some medieval Italian republics.
INFORMATIONinformation n. That which resolves uncertainty; anything that answers the question of "what a given entity is".
information n. Things that are or can be known about a given topic; communicable knowledge of something.
information n. The act of informing or imparting knowledge; notification.
NASOFRONTALnasofrontal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the nose and the forehead.
nasofrontal adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the nasal and frontal bones.
NASOFRONTAL adj. relating to the nose and the frontal bone.
NONCONFORMSnonconforms n. Plural of nonconform.
nonconforms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of nonconform.
NONCONFORM v. to fail to conform.
NONUNIFORMSSorry, definition not available.
OCEANFRONTSoceanfronts n. Plural of oceanfront.
OCEANFRONT n. a strip of land bordering on the ocean.
OUTFROWNINGoutfrowning v. Present participle of outfrown.
OUTFROWN v. to frown more than.
PROFANATIONprofanation n. The act of profaning; desecration, blasphemous behaviour, defilement.
PROFANATION n. the act or an instance of profaning.
RINFORZANDOrinforzando n. (Music) A style of playing with special emphasis.
RINFORZANDO adv. (Italian) with a sudden stress or crescendo.
UNFOREKNOWNunforeknown adj. Not known in advance.
UNFOREKNOWN adj. not foreknown.
UNFORGOTTENunforgotten adj. Not forgotten; still remembered.
unforgotten v. Past participle of unforget.
un-forgotten v. Past participle of un-forget.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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