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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing F, L, 2R, S and U

DROPPERFULSdropperfuls n. Plural of dropperful.
DROPPERFUL n. the contents of a dropper.
DROPPERSFULdroppersful n. Plural of dropperful.
DROPPERFUL n. the contents of a dropper.
FLORIFEROUSfloriferous adj. (Botany) That bears flowers (especially lots of flowers).
FLORIFEROUS adj. bearing flowers.
FLOURISHERSflourishers n. Plural of flourisher.
FLOURISHER n. one who flourishes.
FLOURISHIERFLOURISHY adj. full of flourishes.
FLUORESCERSfluorescers n. Plural of fluorescer.
FLUORESCER n. something e.g. a mineral that fluoresces.
FORECLOSUREforeclosure n. (Law) the proceeding, by a creditor, to regain property or other collateral following a default on mortgage payments.
foreclosure n. (Psychoanalysis) The absence of a symbolic father for a fatherless child, as a cause for psychosis.
FORECLOSURE n. an act or instance of foreclosing.
FORMULARIESformularies n. Plural of formulary.
FORMULARY n. a book of formulae or precedents.
FORMULARISEformularise v. (Britain) To express as a formula, to formulate.
FORMULARISE v. to state in or reduce to a formula, also FORMULARIZE.
FORMULATORSformulators n. Plural of formulator.
FORMULATOR n. one who formulates.
HARBOURFULSharbourfuls n. Plural of harbourful.
HARBOURFUL n. the contents of a harbour, also HARBORFUL.
PERSIFLEURSpersifleurs n. Plural of persifleur.
PERSIFLEUR n. (French) one who indulges in persiflage.
PERSULFURICpersulfuric adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Of or pertaining to persulfuric acid.
PERSULFURIC adj. denoting a type of acid, also PERSULPHURIC.
PROLIFEROUSproliferous adj. Producing many offspring; prolific or proliferative.
proliferous adj. (Botany) producing many buds or offshoots from leaves or flowers.
proliferous adj. (Zoology) reproducing by budding.
RESEARCHFULresearchful adj. Making researches; inquisitive.
RESEARCHFUL adj. full of research.
RESOURCEFULresourceful adj. Capable or clever; able to put available resources to efficient or ingenious use; using materials at…
RESOURCEFUL adj. able to meet situations.
SORROWFULLYsorrowfully adv. In a sorrowful manner; with sorrow and regret.
SORROWFUL adv. sad.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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