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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing F, L, M, N, R and U

BRIMFULNESSbrimfulness n. Quality of being brimful.
BRIMFULNESS n. the state of being brimful, also BRIMFULLNESS.
CALIFORNIUMcalifornium n. A strongly radioactive and highly fissile transuranic chemical element (symbol Cf) with an atomic number of 98.
CALIFORNIUM n. a synthetic element produced in trace quantities by helium isotope bombardment of curium.
FLUSTERMENTflusterment n. The condition of being flustered.
FLUSTERMENT n. the state of being flustered.
FORMULATINGformulating v. Present participle of formulate.
FORMULATE v. to state or express in a clear definite form.
FORMULATIONformulation n. The act, process, or result of formulating or reducing to a formula.
formulation n. (Medicine) A medicinal preparation.
FORMULATION n. an act or the product of formulating.
FORMULISINGformulising v. Present participle of formulise.
FORMULISE v. to express in a formula, also FORMULIZE.
FORMULIZINGformulizing v. Present participle of formulize.
FORMULIZE v. to express in a formula, also FORMULISE.
FULMINATORSfulminators n. Plural of fulminator.
FULMINATOR n. one who fulminates.
FULMINATORYfulminatory adj. Thundering; striking terror.
FULMINATORY adj. serving to fulminate.
GRANULIFORMgranuliform adj. (Mineralogy) Having a granular structure.
GRANULIFORM adj. having the form of a granule.
HARMFULNESSharmfulness n. The characteristic of being harmful.
HARMFULNESS n. the state of being harmful.
MICROFAUNALmicrofaunal adj. Of, or relating to, a microfauna.
MICROFAUNAL adj. relating to microfauna, very small animals.
MOURNFULLERmournfuller adj. Comparative form of mournful: more mournful.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
MULTIFRONTSSorry, definition not available.
NAUPLIIFORMnaupliiform adj. Resembling a nauplius.
NAUPLIIFORM adj. having the form of a nauplius, a larval form in crustaceans.
PLANULIFORMplanuliform adj. (Zoology) Resembling a planula.
PLANULIFORM adj. having the form of a planula.
REFOULEMENTrefoulement n. (International law, uncountable) Rendition of a person to an area (chiefly their country of origin)…
refoulement n. (Archaic, uncountable) The forced relocation of a group of people; (countable) an instance of this.
REFOULEMENT n. the act of forcing a refugee to return to a place from which he or she is seeking asylum.
UNFAMILIARSunfamiliars n. Plural of unfamiliar.
UNHARMFULLYunharmfully adv. In a way that is not harmful.
UNHARMFUL adv. not harmful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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