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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing F, 2L, N, O and T

BOUNTIFULLYbountifully adv. In a bountiful manner.
BOUNTIFUL adv. generous in giving.
CONFLICTFULconflictful adj. Tending towards conflict.
conflictful adj. Conflicting.
CONFLICTFUL adj. full of conflict.
CONFLICTUALconflictual adj. Characterized by conflict.
CONFLICTUAL adj. having the nature of conflict.
CONFLUENTLYconfluently adv. In a confluent manner.
CONFLUENT adv. flowing together; meeting in their course.
FACTIONALLYfactionally adv. In a factional manner; in terms of factions.
FACTIONAL adv. relating to factions.
FEUILLETONSfeuilletons n. Plural of feuilleton.
FEUILLETON n. (French) in French and other newspapers, a part ruled off the bottom of a page for a serial story, critical article, etc.; a contribution of this kind.
FICTIONALLYfictionally adv. In a fictional manner.
FICTIONAL adv. relating to fiction.
FLOATPLANESfloatplanes n. Plural of floatplane.
FLOATPLANE n. a seaplane.
FLOCCULANTSflocculants n. Plural of flocculant.
FLOCCULANT n. a flocculant mass.
FONTANELLESfontanelles n. Plural of fontanelle.
FONTANELLE n. a membrane-covered gap between the immature parietal bones in the skull of a foetus or infant, also FONTANEL.
FOOTBALLENEfootballene n. Buckminsterfullerene.
FOOTBALLENE n. buckminsterfullerene, a ball-shaped molecule containing 60 carbon atoms linked together in hexagons and pentagons to form a closed, near spherical and very stable structure.
FOOTBALLINGfootballing adj. (Attributive) relating to the sport of football.
footballing v. Present participle of football.
FOOTBALLING adj. related to football.
FORETELLINGforetelling v. Present participle of foretell.
foretelling n. Prediction.
FORETELL v. to tell about in advance.
FRONTLESSLYfrontlessly adv. (Obsolete) shamelessly; impudently.
FRONTLESS adv. shameless, brazen.
FUSILLATIONfusillation n. (Archaic) An execution by shooting.
FUSILLATION n. (obsolete) death by shooting.
GENTLEFOLKSgentlefolks n. Synonym of gentlefolk.
GENTLEFOLK n. persons of gentle or good family and breeding.
LACTOFLAVINlactoflavin n. (Dated, biochemistry) riboflavin.
LACTOFLAVIN n. an earlier name for riboflavin.
TOILFULNESStoilfulness n. The state, quality, or condition of being toilful.
TOILFULNESS n. the state of being toilful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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