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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing F, I, O, S, U and V

DISFAVOUREDdisfavoured v. Simple past tense and past participle of disfavour.
disfavoured adj. Not favoured.
DISFAVOUR v. to disesteem, also DISFAVOR.
DISFAVOURERdisfavourer n. One who disfavours.
DISFAVOURER n. one who disfavours.
FAVOURITISMfavouritism n. (British spelling) The unfair favouring of one person or group at the expense of another.
FAVOURITISM n. the state of having favourites.
FILOVIRUSESfiloviruses n. Plural of filovirus.
Filoviruses n. Plural of Filovirus.
FILOVIRUS n. any member of a family of viruses that includes the agents responsible for Ebola virus disease and Marburg disease.
FLAVOURIESTFLAVOURY adj. full of flavour, also FLAVORY.
FLAVOURINGSflavourings n. Plural of flavouring.
FLAVOURING n. something that adds flavour.
FLAVOURISTSflavourists n. Plural of flavourist.
FLAVOURIST n. a person who creates flavourings for drinks, perfumes, etc., also FLAVORIST.
FRIVOLOUSLYfrivolously adv. In a frivolous manner.
FRIVOLOUS adv. lacking seriousness.
FRUGIVOROUSfrugivorous adj. Having a diet that consists mostly of fruit; fruit-eating.
FRUGIVOROUS adj. eating fruit.
OVERFULFILSoverfulfils v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfulfil.
OVERFULFIL v. to fulfil excessively.
OVULIFEROUSovuliferous adj. Bearing ovules.
OVULIFEROUS adj. bearing ovules.
SUFFOCATIVEsuffocative adj. Tending or able to choke or stifle.
SUFFOCATIVE adj. serving to suffocate.
UNFRIVOLOUSunfrivolous adj. Not frivolous.
UNFRIVOLOUS adj. not frivolous.
UNOFFENSIVEunoffensive adj. Inoffensive.
UNOFFENSIVE adj. not offensive, also INOFFENSIVE.
VASCULIFORMvasculiform adj. Vascular in form; shaped like a vessel.
VASCULIFORM adj. shaped like a small vase or flowerpot.
VENEFICIOUSveneficious adj. (Obsolete) Acting by poison; used in poisoning or sorcery.
VENEFICIOUS adj. acting by poison or potions or by sorcery, also VENEFIC, VENEFICAL, VENEFICOUS.
VOUCHSAFINGvouchsafing v. Present participle of vouchsafe.
vouchsafing n. The act of one who vouchsafes something.
VOUCHSAFING n. the act of granting as a privilege or special favour.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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