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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing F, M, N, 2O and T

COMFORTINGcomforting adj. Giving comfort.
comforting v. Present participle of comfort.
comforting n. The act of giving comfort.
CONFORMISTconformist n. Someone who tries to conform to the mainstream.
conformist n. A noctuid moth (Lithophane furcifera).
conformist adj. Conforming to established customs, etc.
CONFORMITYconformity n. The state of things being similar or identical.
conformity n. A point of resemblance; a similarity.
conformity n. The state of being conforming, of complying with a set of rules, with a norm or standard.
FORETOPMANforetopman n. (Nautical) A sailor who controls the masts in the foretop.
FORETOPMAN n. a sailor who works on the platform at the head of the foremast.
FORETOPMENforetopmen n. Plural of foretopman.
FORETOPMAN n. a sailor who works on the platform at the head of the foremast.
FORMATIONSformations n. Plural of formation.
FORMATION n. something formed or made.
FRONTWOMANfrontwoman n. The female lead singer in a band.
FRONTWOMENfrontwomen n. Plural of frontwoman.
MOONCRAFTSMOONCRAFT n. a lunar module.
MOSKONFYTSMOSKONFYT n. (South African) a thick syrup made from grapes.
TOMFOOLINGtomfooling v. Present participle of tomfool.
TOMFOOL v. to play the fool.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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