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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing F, 2L, R, T and U

FRUITFULLYfruitfully adv. In a fruitful manner; productively.
FRUITFUL adv. productive.
FULLERITESfullerites n. Plural of fullerite.
FULLERITE n. a crystalline form of a fullerene.
GRATEFULLYgratefully adv. In a grateful manner.
GRATEFUL adv. deeply thankful.
MIRTHFULLYmirthfully adv. In a mirthful manner; happily.
MIRTHFUL adv. full of mirth.
MULTIFLORAmultiflora n. The hardy rose Rosa multiflora.
MULTIFLORA n. a type of climbing rose having clusters of small flowers.
PITIFULLERpitifuller adj. Comparative form of pitiful: more pitiful.
PITIFUL adj. arousing pity, also PITEOUS.
PLATTERFULplatterful n. As much as a platter will hold.
PLATTERFUL n. the contents of a platter.
RESTFULLERrestfuller adj. Comparative form of restful: more restful.
RESTFUL adj. relaxing.
RIGHTFULLYrightfully adv. In accordance with what is right or just; fairly.
rightfully adv. Rightly, correctly.
RIGHTFUL adv. just and proper.
SPORTFULLYsportfully adv. (Archaic) playfully.
SPORTFUL adv. full of sport; merry.
STORMFULLYstormfully adv. In a stormful manner.
STORMFUL adv. abounding with storms.
TRISTFULLYtristfully adv. In a tristful manner; sadly.
TRISTFUL adv. (Shakespeare) sad, mournful, also TRIST, TRISTE.
TRUSTFULLYtrustfully adv. In a trustful manner.
TRUSTFUL adv. trusting.
TRUTHFULLYtruthfully adv. (Manner) In a truthful manner.
truthfully adv. Frankly.
TRUTHFUL adv. telling the truth.
TUMBLERFULtumblerful n. As much as a tumbler will hold.
TUMBLERFUL n. as much as a tumbler will hold.
ULTRALEFTSultralefts n. Plural of ultraleft.
ULTRALEFT n. the very far left in politics.
UNARTFULLYunartfully adv. In an unartful manner.
UNARTFUL adv. lacking art or skill; artless.
WRATHFULLYwrathfully adv. In a wrathful manner; with anger; angrily.
WRATHFUL adv. extremely angry, also WROTHFUL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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