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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 20 ten-letter words containing F, I, 2L, N and T

FAULTLINESfaultlines n. Plural of faultline.
fault-lines n. Plural of fault-line.
fault␣lines n. Plural of fault line.
FELLATIONSfellations n. Plural of fellation.
FELLATION n. oral stimulation of the penis, also FELLATIO.
FEUILLETONfeuilleton n. A section of a European newspaper typically dedicated to arts, culture, criticism, and light literature.
feuilleton n. An article published in such a section.
FEUILLETON n. (French) in French and other newspapers, a part ruled off the bottom of a page for a serial story, critical article, etc.; a contribution of this kind.
FLATLINERSflatliners n. Plural of flatliner.
FLATLINER n. one who flatlines.
FLATLININGflatlining v. Present participle of flatline.
FLATLINE v. to register as having no brain waves or heartbeat.
FLECTIONALflectional adj. Pertaining to flection; serving to bend or vary, specifically, pertaining to the terminal variation…
FLECTIONAL adj. relating to flection, the act of bending, or state of being bent.
FLEETINGLYfleetingly adv. In a fleeting manner; transiently.
FLEETING adv. moving swiftly, transient.
FLINTLOCKSflintlocks n. Plural of flintlock.
FLINTLOCK n. an old-fashioned gun with spark provided by a hammer striking a flint.
FLIPPANTLYflippantly adv. In a flippant manner.
FLIPPANT adv. lacking proper respect or seriousness.
FLIRTINGLYflirtingly adv. In a flirting manner.
FLOATINGLYfloatingly adv. In a floating manner.
FLOATING adv. not fixed.
FLOUTINGLYfloutingly adv. With flouting; insultingly.
FLOUTING adv. FLOUT, to treat with contempt.
FULFILMENTfulfilment n. The act of fulfilling.
fulfilment n. The state or quality of being fulfilled; completion; realization.
fulfilment n. The act of consummating a desire or promise.
INFLATABLEinflatable adj. Able to be inflated or blown up.
inflatable n. (Nautical) A boat or dinghy that may be inflated when needed.
inflatable n. Any other structure, artwork etc. that is inflated.
INFLATEDLYinflatedly adv. In an inflated manner.
INFLATED adv. INFLATE, to expand with air or gas.
LEAFLETINGleafleting v. Present participle of leaflet.
LEAFLET v. to distribute printed sheets of paper.
NIGHTFALLSnightfalls n. Plural of nightfall.
NIGHTFALL n. the onset or beginning of the night.
STIFLINGLYstiflingly adv. In a stifling manner; so as to suffocate.
STIFLING adv. very hot.
TRIFLINGLYtriflingly adv. In a trifling manner.
TRIFLING adv. trivial.
UNFILLETEDunfilleted adj. Not filleted.
unfilleted adj. Not bound up with, or as if with, a fillet.
UNFILLETED adj. not filleted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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