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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 8 ten-letter words containing F, 2I, 2O and T

BIGFOOTINGbigfooting v. Present participle of bigfoot.
Bigfooting v. Present participle of Bigfoot.
BIGFOOT v. to throw one's weight around.
FLORIATIONfloriation n. Ornamentation by means of flower forms, either realistic or stylized.
FLORIATION n. decoration with floral ornament.
FOLIATIONSfoliations n. Plural of foliation.
FOLIATION n. the process of bursting into leaf.
FORTISSIMOfortissimo adv. (Music) Indicating that the piece is played very loud.
fortissimo n. (Music) The dynamic sign indicating that the piece should be played fortissimo. Abbreviation: ff.
FORTISSIMO adj. (Italian) very loud; with the utmost strength or loudness.
IDIOTPROOFidiotproof adj. Alternative form of idiot-proof.
idiotproof v. Alternative form of idiot-proof.
idiot-proof adj. (Informal, humorous) Incapable of being misused even by the most stupid or careless of users.
NONFICTIONnonfiction n. Written works intended to give facts, or true accounts of real things and events. Often used attributively.
non-fiction n. Alternative spelling of nonfiction.
NONFICTION n. literature or cinema that is not fictional.
OFFICIATORofficiator n. A person who officiates.
OFFICIATOR n. one who officiates.
TORPORIFICtorporific adj. Inducing torpor; tending to cause apathy or lethargy.
TORPORIFIC adj. causing dullness or numbness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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