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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 11 ten-letter words containing F, 3I, L and R

AIRLIFTINGairlifting v. Present participle of airlift.
AIRLIFT v. to transport by air.
ARTIFICIALartificial adj. Man-made; made by humans; of artifice.
artificial adj. Insincere; fake, forced, or feigned.
artificial adj. Not natural or normal: imposed arbitrarily or without regard to the specifics or normal circumstances…
FIBRILLINSfibrillins n. Plural of fibrillin.
FIBRILLIN n. a protein found in connective tissue.
FILARIASISfilariasis n. Any disease common in tropical and subtropical countries resulting from infestation of the lymphatic…
FILARIASIS n. a disease caused by the presence of filaria in the blood.
FILIGRAINSfiligrains n. Plural of filigrain.
FILIGRAIN n. (French) a kind of ornamental metallic lacework, also FILAGREE, FILIGRANE, FILIGREE, FILLAGREE.
FRIABILITYfriability n. The quality of being friable, or easily broken, crumbled, or reduced to powder; friableness.
FRIABILITY n. the state of being friable.
FRINGILLIDfringillid n. (Zoology) Any of the Fringillidae; a finch.
FRINGILLID adj. related to the finches.
LIQUIFIERSliquifiers n. Plural of liquifier.
LIQUIFIER n. something that liquifies, also LIQUEFIER.
MILLEFIORImillefiori n. A decorative glassware technique using a mosaic of coloured beads.
MILLEFIORI n. (Italian) an ornamental glassmaking technique.
SIMPLIFIERsimplifier n. Agent noun of simplify; one who simplifies.
SIMPLIFIER n. something that simplifies.
SOLIDIFIERsolidifier n. Someone who or something that solidifies.
SOLIDIFIER n. one who solidifies.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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