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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 17 ten-letter words containing F, G, H, I, N and O

DRAGONFISHdragonfish n. Any of several long, slender fishes, of the family Stomiidae, that have a luminous barbel used to attract prey.
FASHIONINGfashioning v. Present participle of fashion.
fashioning n. The act or process of fashioning something; manufacture.
FASHION v. to give a particular shape or form to.
FINGERHOLDfingerhold n. A grip with the fingers.
FINGERHOLD n. a hold or place of support for the fingers.
FINGERHOLEfingerhole n. A hole in a musical instrument to be covered with a finger to modify the pitch.
finger␣hole n. Alternative form of fingerhole.
FINGERHOLE n. a hole in a wind instrument for putting the fingers in to modify the pitch.
FISHMONGERfishmonger n. (Britain) A person who sells fish.
fishmonger n. (Britain, rare) A fishmonger’s, a fishmonger’s shop: a shop that sells fish.
fishmonger n. (Archaic) A pimp.
FORENIGHTSforenights n. Plural of forenight.
FORENIGHT n. the night before.
FORHAILINGFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
FORTHGOINGforthgoing n. A going forth or utterance; a proceeding from or out.
forthgoing adj. Going out or forth; departing.
forthgoing v. Present participle of forthgo.
FORTNIGHTSfortnights n. Plural of fortnight.
FORTNIGHT n. a period of two weeks.
FOXHUNTINGfoxhunting v. Present participle of foxhunt.
fox␣hunting n. The sport of hunting foxes across country with a pack of hounds by a group of people on foot and horseback…
FOXHUNTING n. the pastime of hunting foxes.
GROUNDFISHgroundfish n. (Fishing) Fish that swim near the seafloor.
groundfish v. (Fishing) To fish for groundfish.
GROUNDFISH n. a marine fish that is found at the bottom e.g. cod, haddock.
HORRIFYINGhorrifying v. Present participle of horrify.
horrifying adj. Tending to inspire horror; that horrifies; horrific.
HORRIFY v. to cause a reaction of horror.
HOTFOOTINGhotfooting v. Present participle of hotfoot.
HOTFOOT v. to hurry.
OFFSHORINGoffshoring v. Present participle of offshore.
offshoring n. The location of a business in another country for tax purposes or lowering production costs, as the labor.
OFFSHORING n. the practice of substituting foreign labour for domestic.
OUTFISHINGoutfishing v. Present participle of outfish.
OUTFISH v. to surpass in fishing.
RODFISHINGrodfishing n. Angling with a fishing rod.
RODFISHING n. fishing with a rod and line.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 25 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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