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There are 19 words containing F, K, O, T and U

FUTHORKfuthork n. Alternative spelling of futhorc.
FUTHORK n. the runic alphabet, also FUTHARC, FUTHARK, FUTHORC.
FUTTOCKfuttock n. (Nautical) Any of the curved rib-like timbers that form the frame of a wooden ship.
FUTTOCK n. one of the curved timbers scarfed together to form the lower part of a compound rib of a ship.
DUCKFOOTduckfoot n. (Agriculture, often attributive) A relatively small, shallow share used in tillage, shaped like a duck’s foot.
DUCKFOOT adj. as in duckfoot quote, European quotation marks << >>.
FREAKOUTfreakout n. (Slang) A frightening or disorientating experience, especially one that results from the use of a hallucinogenic drug.
freakout n. (Slang) An occurrence of unrestrained or irrational behaviour.
freak-out n. The act of freaking out.
FUTHORKSfuthorks n. Plural of futhork.
FUTHORK n. the runic alphabet, also FUTHARC, FUTHARK, FUTHORC.
FUTTOCKSfuttocks n. Plural of futtock.
FUTTOCK n. one of the curved timbers scarfed together to form the lower part of a compound rib of a ship.
OUTFLANKoutflank v. (Transitive) To maneuver around and behind the flank of (an opposing force).
outflank v. (Transitive) To gain a tactical advantage over (a competitor, for example).
out-flank v. Alternative spelling of outflank.
FREAKOUTSfreakouts n. Plural of freakout.
freak-outs n. Plural of freak-out.
freak␣outs n. Plural of freak out.
OUTFLANKSoutflanks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outflank.
out-flanks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of out-flank.
OUTFLANK v. to circumvent.
POCKETFULpocketful n. The amount that a pocket would hold.
pocketful n. (Figurative) A small or moderate amount.
POCKETFUL n. the contents of a pocket.
OUTFLANKEDoutflanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of outflank.
out-flanked v. Simple past tense and past participle of out-flank.
OUTFLANK v. to circumvent.
POCKETFULSpocketfuls n. Plural of pocketful.
POCKETFUL n. the contents of a pocket.
POCKETSFULpocketsful n. Plural of pocketful.
POCKETFUL n. the contents of a pocket.
OUTFLANKINGoutflanking v. Present participle of outflank.
outflanking n. The act of one who outflanks.
out-flanking v. Present participle of out-flank.
MOTHERFUCKERmotherfucker interj. (Vulgar) A semi-voluntary vocalization in place of a gasp.
motherfucker interj. (Vulgar) Expressing dismay or discontent.
motherfucker interj. (Vulgar) Synonym of ouch.
FLOUTINGSTOCKFLOUTINGSTOCK n. (Shakespeare) a person or thing that is flouted.
MOTHERFUCKERSmotherfuckers n. Plural of motherfucker.
mother-fuckers n. Plural of mother-fucker.
mother␣fuckers n. Plural of mother fucker.
MOTHERFUCKINGmotherfucking adj. (Vulgar) An intensifier, used in the same contexts as fucking, but more intense.
motherfucking adv. (Strongly vulgar) To an extreme degree.
MOTHERFUCKING adj. (vulgar) objectionable; often used as an intensifier or meaningless qualification.
FLOUTINGSTOCKSFLOUTINGSTOCK n. (Shakespeare) a person or thing that is flouted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 875 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 67 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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