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There are 20 words containing F, I, K, O and P

PICKOFFpickoff n. (Baseball) A play in which a pitcher throws a live ball to a fielder so that the fielder can tag out…
pick␣off v. (Literally) To remove by picking.
pick␣off v. To dispose of tasks, obstacles, opponents etc. precisely, one by one.
FLIPBOOKflipbook n. Alternative spelling of flip book.
flip␣book n. A booklet containing a sequence of near-identical images so that flipping rapidly through the pages…
FLIPBOOK n. a book of a series of images that when flipped give the illusion of movement.
PICKOFFSpickoffs n. Plural of pickoff.
pick␣offs n. Plural of pick off.
PICKOFF n. a play in baseball.
FLIPBOOKSflipbooks n. Plural of flipbook.
flip␣books n. Plural of flip book.
FLIPBOOK n. a book of a series of images that when flipped give the illusion of movement.
KNIPHOFIAkniphofia n. Any of several plants, of the genus Kniphofia, having bright, upright flowers.
Kniphofia prop.n. The tritoma or red-hot poker.
KNIPHOFIA n. any plant of the Kniphofia genus, the red-hot poker.
PICKPROOFpickproof adj. (Of a lock) Resistant to being picked.
PICKPROOF adj. of a lock, proof against picking.
PITCHFORKpitchfork n. An agricultural tool comprising a fork with sparse, light tines, attached to a long handle, used for…
pitchfork n. A similar fork with slightly more and heavier tines, used for mucking stalls and pitching soiled bedding…
pitchfork n. (Casual, loosely) Any fork used for farm labor, even a digging fork (but such usage is often considered…
SKIDPROOFskidproof adj. Resistant to skidding; nonslip.
SKIDPROOF adj. of a road surface etc., designed to prevent skids.
KNIFEPOINTknifepoint n. The pointed end of a knife.
KNIFEPOINT n. the point of a knife.
KNIPHOFIASkniphofias n. Plural of kniphofia.
KNIPHOFIA n. any plant of the Kniphofia genus, the red-hot poker.
PITCHFORKSpitchforks n. Plural of pitchfork.
Pitchforks prop.n. Plural of Pitchfork.
PITCHFORK v. to toss with a pitchfork.
FORCEPSLIKEforcepslike adj. Resembling a forceps.
forceps-like adj. Resembling a forceps.
FORCEPSLIKE adj. like a forceps.
FORSPEAKINGforspeaking v. Present participle of forspeak.
FORSPEAK v. to speak against, also FORESPEAK.
KNIFEPOINTSknifepoints n. Plural of knifepoint.
KNIFEPOINT n. the point of a knife.
PITCHFORKEDpitchforked v. Simple past tense and past participle of pitchfork.
PITCHFORK v. to toss with a pitchfork.
POCKETKNIFEpocketknife n. A knife with blades or tools that the user can fold or retract into its handle, and of a size small…
pocket-knife n. Alternative spelling of pocketknife.
pocket␣knife n. Alternative spelling of pocketknife.
FORESPEAKINGforespeaking v. Present participle of forespeak.
forespeaking n. (Obsolete) A foretelling; a prediction.
forespeaking n. (Obsolete) A preface.
PITCHFORKINGpitchforking n. The act of pricking with a pitchfork.
pitchforking v. Present participle of pitchfork.
PITCHFORK v. to toss with a pitchfork.
HOUSEWIFESKEPHOUSEWIFESKEP n. (Scots) being a housewife.
HOUSEWIFESKEPSHOUSEWIFESKEP n. (Scots) being a housewife.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 464 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 50 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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