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There are 20 nine-letter words containing F, N, O, R and Y

BAYFRONTSbayfronts n. Plural of bayfront.
BAYFRONT n. the shoreline of a bay.
BOYFRIENDboyfriend n. A male partner in an unmarried romantic relationship.
boyfriend n. A male friend.
boy-friend n. Alternative form of boyfriend.
CHONDRIFYchondrify v. (Transitive, intransitive) To convert, or be converted, into cartilage.
CHONDRIFY v. to convert, or be converted, into cartilage.
DRAGONFLYdragonfly n. An insect of the suborder Epiprocta or, more strictly, the infraorder Anisoptera, having four long transparent…
DRAGONFLY n. a predaceous long-bodied often brilliantly-coloured insect of the Odonata.
FANCYWORKfancywork n. Decorative embroidery.
FANCYWORK n. ornamental needlework.
FORCINGLYforcingly adv. In a forcing manner.
FORCING adv. FORCE, to compel by strength.
FOREIGNLYforeignly adv. In a foreign manner.
FOREIGN adv. situated outside a place or country.
FORELYINGforelying v. Present participle of forelie.
FORELIE v. (Spenser) to lie in front of.
FORLORNLYforlornly adv. In a forlorn manner.
FORLORN adv. forsaken.
FORRAYINGforraying v. Present participle of forray.
FORRAY v. (Spenser) to foray; to ravage.
FORSAYINGforsaying v. Present participle of forsay.
FORSAY v. to forbid, to renounce.
FOURPENNYfourpenny adj. (Dated) Costing fourpence.
fourpenny n. A coin or stamp worth fourpence.
Fourpenny prop.n. A hamlet in Sutherland, Highland council area, Scotland (OS grid ref NH8094).
FRONTALLYfrontally adv. In a frontal manner.
FRONTAL adv. at the front.
FRONTWAYSfrontways adv. Towards the front; forward.
FRONTWAYS adv. towards the front, also FRONTWISE.
GYRFALCONgyrfalcon n. (Obsolete) Any large falcon, especially as used to fly at herons.
gyrfalcon n. Falco rusticolus, a large bird of prey that breeds on Arctic coasts and islands of North America, Europe and Asia.
GYRFALCON n. a heavy, powerful falcon of cold northerly regions, also GERFALCON, JERFALCON.
PERSONIFYpersonify v. (Transitive) To be an example of; to have all the attributes of.
personify v. (Transitive) To create a representation of (an abstract quality) in the form of a character or persona.
PERSONIFY v. to be the embodiment of.
PRENOTIFYprenotify v. (Transitive) To notify in advance.
PRENOTIFY v. to notify beforehand.
PROFANELYprofanely adv. In a profane manner, irreverently, with marked disrespect for the sacred.
PROFANE adv. not sacred.
PROFANITYprofanity n. (Uncountable) The quality of being profane; quality of irreverence, of treating sacred things with contempt.
profanity n. (Countable) Obscene, lewd or abusive language.
PROFANITY n. the state of being profane; a swearword.
UNIFORMLYuniformly adv. In a uniform manner, consistently.
UNIFORM adv. consistent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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