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There are 19 nine-letter words containing F, 2N, T and U

CONFLUENTconfluent adj. (Of two or more objects or shapes) Converging, merging or flowing together into one.
confluent adj. (Meteorology, of wind) Converging, especially as viewed on a weather chart.
confluent adj. (Biology) Describing cells in a culture that merge to form a mass.
CONFUTINGconfuting v. Present participle of confute.
CONFUTE v. to disprove or overcome through argument.
FLAUNTINGflaunting v. Present participle of flaunt.
flaunting adj. That flaunts; showy or gaudy.
flaunting n. The act by which something is flaunted.
FORTUNINGfortuning v. Present participle of fortune.
FORTUNE v. to endow with wealth.
FOUNTAINSfountains n. Plural of fountain.
fountains v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fountain.
Fountains prop.n. Plural of Fountain.
FULMINANTfulminant adj. That fulminates.
fulminant adj. (Especially medicine) Appearing quickly and with destructive effects.
fulminant n. A thunderbolt.
FUNCTIONSfunctions n. Plural of function.
functions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of function.
FUNCTION v. to perform or act.
FUNDAMENTfundament n. Foundation.
fundament n. The bottom; the buttocks or anus.
fundament n. The underlying basis or principle for a theoretical or mathematical system.
FURNIMENTfurniment n. (Obsolete) Accoutrements, fittings.
FURNIMENT n. (Spenser) furnishing.
GUNFLINTSgunflints n. Plural of gunflint.
GUNFLINT n. the flint in a flintlock.
INFLUENTSinfluents n. Plural of influent.
INFLUENT n. a tributary stream.
INFORTUNEinfortune n. (Obsolete) misfortune.
infortune v. To afflict.
infortune v. (Astrology, of a planet) To have a malign influence.
UNFASTENSunfastens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unfasten.
UNFASTEN v. to release from a fastening.
UNFITNESSunfitness n. The characteristic of being unfit or ill-suited.
unfitness n. The characteristic of being unfit or out of physical shape.
UNFITNESS n. the state of being unfit.
UNFITTINGunfitting adj. That is not fitting for its purpose.
unfitting adj. Improper.
UNFIT v. to make unfit.
UNFORTUNEunfortune n. (Obsolete) misfortune.
UNFORTUNE n. (archaic) ill-fortune.
UNSTIFFENunstiffen v. To remove the stiffness from; to relax; to make pliant.
UNSTIFFEN v. to make not stiff.
UNTUNEFULuntuneful adj. Not tuneful; unmusical, inharmonious.
UNTUNEFUL adj. not tuneful.
UNTURFINGunturfing v. Present participle of unturf.
UNTURF v. to strip of turf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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