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There are 19 nine-letter words containing F, 2M, O and R

BROMOFORMbromoform n. (Organic chemistry) The haloform CHBr3 that is the bromine analogue of chloroform.
BROMOFORM n. a bromine compound analogous to chloroform.
CAMBIFORMcambiform adj. (Botany) Resembling the cells of the cambium.
CAMBIFORM adj. shaped like cambium, soft tissue found in trees.
CYMBIFORMcymbiform adj. Shaped like a boat.
cymbiform adj. (Botany) Elongated and having the upper surface decidedly concave, as in the glumes of many grasses.
CYMBIFORM adj. boat-shaped.
FORMALISMformalism n. Strict adherence to a given form of conduct, practice etc.
formalism n. (Computing) One of several alternative computational paradigms for a given theory.
formalism n. (Literature) An approach to interpretation and/or evaluation focused on the (usually linguistic) structure…
FORMAMIDEformamide n. (Organic chemistry) The amide of formic acid HCO-NH2 or any N-substituted derivative; they are used…
FORMAMIDE n. a colourless hygroscopic liquid used as a solvent.
FORMULISMformulism n. An over-reliance on, or adherence to formulae.
FORMULISM n. excessive use of, or dependence on, formulae.
MALFORMEDmalformed adj. Not formed correctly; misshapen; deformed.
MALFORMED adj. badly formed.
MAMMIFORMmammiform adj. Shaped like a breast.
MAMMIFORM adj. shaped like a breast.
METFORMINmetformin n. (Pharmacology) A biguanide derivative, C4H11N5, used, now chiefly as the hydrochloride, as an oral hypoglycemic…
METFORMIN n. a drug used to treat diabetes.
MICROFILMmicrofilm n. A continuous roll of film containing photographs of documents at a greatly reduced size.
microfilm v. To reproduce documents on such film.
MICROFILM v. to make a microfilm copy of, a photographic film with one or more very small images of printed or other graphic matter.
MICROFORMmicroform n. Microfilm, microfiche or similar materials.
microform n. (Biology) A microscopic form of life; an animal or vegetable organism of microscopic size.
MICROFORM n. a process for reproducing printed matter in much reduced size.
MISFORMEDmisformed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misform.
MISFORM v. to make in an ill form.
MISINFORMmisinform v. (Transitive) To give or deliver false, fake, or misleading information.
MISINFORM v. to inform incorrectly, also DISINFORM.
MITRIFORMmitriform adj. Having the form of a miter, or peaked cap.
mitriform adj. (Botany) Conical, and somewhat dilated at the base.
MITRIFORM adj. mitre-shaped.
MULTIFORMmultiform adj. Having more than one shape or appearance.
multiform n. An organism, folktale, etc. that appears in more than one form.
MULTIFORM n. a multiform object; something exhibiting many and various forms.
MUMMIFORMmummiform adj. Having the shape of a mummy.
MUMMIFORM n. a sarcophagus.
ORIFLAMMEoriflamme n. (History) The red silk banner of St Denis, which the abbot of St Denis gave to French kings as they rode to war.
oriflamme n. (Figuratively) Any banner, idea or principle which serves as a rallying point for those involved in a struggle.
oriflamme n. (Literary) Something resembling the banner of St Denis; a bright, shining object.
REFORMISMreformism n. Any of several movements that promote reform.
REFORMISM n. any doctrine or movement advocating gradual social and political change within a democratic framework rather than revolutionary change.
VERMIFORMvermiform adj. In the shape of a worm.
VERMIFORM adj. having the form of a worm e.g. vermiform appendix.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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