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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing F, L, N, O and P

APRONFULSapronfuls n. Plural of apronful.
APRONFUL n. an amount carried in an upturned apron.
FLAPERONSflaperons n. Plural of flaperon.
FLAPERON n. an airfoil that functions as a flap and an aileron.
FLOORPANSfloorpans n. Plural of floorpan.
FLOORPAN n. the bottom part of the interior of a motor vehicle.
FOREPLANSforeplans n. Plural of foreplan.
FOREPLAN v. to plan beforehand.
GOWPENFULgowpenful n. (Chiefly Scotland) Enough to fill a gowpen; a double handful.
GOWPENFUL n. (Scots) a double handful.
PANTOFFLEpantoffle n. An ancient overshoe.
PANTOFFLE n. a slipper, an overshoe, also PANTABLE, PANTOFLE, PANTOUFLE.
PANTOFLESpantofles n. Plural of pantofle.
PANTOFLE n. a slipper, an overshoe, also PANTABLE, PANTOFFLE, PANTOUFLE.
PINFOLDEDpinfolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of pinfold.
PINFOLD v. to impound, also PENFOLD.
PLANFORMSplanforms n. Plural of planform.
PLANFORM n. the contour of an object as viewed from above.
PROFANELYprofanely adv. In a profane manner, irreverently, with marked disrespect for the sacred.
PROFANE adv. not sacred.
PROFILINGprofiling n. The forensic science of constructing an outline of a person’s individual characteristics.
profiling n. (Military, historical) In the construction of fieldworks, the erection at proper intervals of wooden…
profiling v. Present participle of profile.
PROFLUENTprofluent adj. Flowing smoothly as if in a stream.
PROFLUENT adj. (Milton) flowing out or onwards.
PUFTALOONpuftaloon n. (Australia) A fried scone-like fritter originally from Australia.
PUFTALOON n. (Australian) a type of fried cake, eaten hot with jam, honey or sugar, also PUFFTALOONAS, PUFTALOONIES.
SPOONFULSspoonfuls n. Plural of spoonful.
SPOONFUL n. as much as a spoon can hold.
SPOONSFULspoonsful n. Plural of spoonful.
SPOONFUL n. as much as a spoon can hold.
UNHOPEFULunhopeful adj. Not hopeful.
unhopeful n. Somebody who is unlikely to achieve success or victory.
UNHOPEFUL adj. not hopeful.
UPFLOWINGupflowing v. Present participle of upflow.
UPFLOW v. to flow up.
UPFOLDINGupfolding v. Present participle of upfold.
upfolding n. A folding upward.
upfolding n. (Geology) An upfold or anticline.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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