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There are 18 nine-letter words containing F, 2L, M and U

BRIMFULLYbrimfully adv. In a brimful manner.
BRIMFULL adv. full to the brim.
DOOMFULLYdoomfully adv. In a doomful manner.
DOOMFUL adv. (Spenser) dispensing judgment.
FILOPLUMEfiloplume n. (Zoology, archaic) A hair-like feather; a feather with a slender scape and without a web in most or all of its length.
FILOPLUME n. a slender hairlike feather.
FLABELLUMflabellum n. A large fan used for religious ceremonies.
flabellum n. (Botany, zoology) Any fan-shaped structure.
FLABELLUM n. (Latin) a fan; esp the fan carried before the pope on state occasions, made in ostrich and peacock feathers.
FLAGELLUMflagellum n. (Biology) In protists, a long, whiplike membrane-enclosed organelle used for locomotion or feeding.
flagellum n. (Biology) In bacteria, a long, whiplike proteinaceous appendage, used for locomotion.
flagellum n. A whip.
FLAMMULESflammules n. Plural of flammule.
FLAMMULE n. a little flame.
FLUGELMANflugelman n. Alternative form of fugleman.
FLUGELMAN n. (German) a leader (esp. political); the lead soldier for a company, also FUGLEMAN.
FLUGELMENflugelmen n. Plural of flugelman.
FLUGELMAN n. (German) a leader (esp. political); the lead soldier for a company, also FUGLEMAN.
FULSOMELYfulsomely adv. In a fulsome manner.
FULSOME adv. cloying.
HARMFULLYharmfully adv. In a harmful manner.
HARMFUL adv. capable of harming.
MANFULLERmanfuller adj. Comparative form of manful: more manful.
MANFUL adj. courageous.
MINDFULLYmindfully adv. In a mindful manner.
MINDFUL adv. heedful.
MOANFULLYmoanfully adv. In a moanful manner.
MOANFUL adv. full of moaning; expressing sorrow.
MOLESTFULmolestful adj. (Obsolete) troublesome; vexatious.
MOLESTFUL adj. troublesome, vexatious.
MULTIFILSmultifils n. Plural of multifil.
MULTIFIL n. a multiple strand of synthetic fibre.
MULTIFOILmultifoil n. (Architecture) A symmetrical shape which forms the overall outline of a set of partially-overlapping…
MULTIFOIL n. an ornamental foliation consisting of more than five divisions or foils.
MULTIFOLDmultifold adj. Many; very diverse; manifold.
MULTIFOLD adj. many times doubled; manifold.
MUSEFULLYmusefully adv. In a museful manner, musingly, pensively.
MUSEFUL adv. meditative; thoughtfully silent.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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