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There are 13 nine-letter words containing F, H, I, L and P

FISHPLATEfishplate n. (Rail transport) A metal bar that is bolted to the ends of two rails to join them together in a track.
fishplate v. (Transitive, rail transport) To connect (rails) together using a fishplate.
FISHPLATE n. an iron plate used to join railway lines.
FISHPOLESfishpoles n. Plural of fishpole.
FISHPOLE n. a fishing rod.
FLAGSHIPSflagships n. Plural of flagship.
FLAGSHIP n. the ship carrying an admiral and flying his flag.
FLIPCHARTflipchart n. Alternative spelling of flip chart.
flip␣chart n. A large pad, usually supported on a stand, used for (typically handwritten) presentations.
FLIPCHART n. a pad, containing large sheets of paper that can be easily turned over, mounted on a stand and used to present reports, data, etc.
FOPPISHLYfoppishly adv. In a foppish way.
FOPPISH adv. characteristic of a dandy.
HALFPIPEShalfpipes n. Plural of halfpipe.
half-pipes n. Plural of half-pipe.
half␣pipes n. Plural of half pipe.
HOPFIELDShop␣fields n. Plural of hop field.
HOPFIELD n. a field where hops are grown.
PILOTFISHpilotfish n. Alternative spelling of pilot fish.
pilot␣fish n. A marine fish, Naucrates ductor, that often follows large vessels and sharks.
PILOTFISH n. a tropical fish.
PLATYFISHplatyfish n. Certain fish of the genus Xiphophorus lacking a sword-like extension of the lower tailfin.
PLATYFISH n. a small tropical fish, also PLATY.
PLIGHTFULplightful adj. Full of risk or danger; risky; dangerous; perilous.
plightful adj. Full of plight; plighted; pledged; devoted.
plightful adj. Indicating plight; dire; grim; grievous.
PREFLIGHTpreflight adj. Taking place before the start of a flight.
preflight adj. (Computing) Serving to confirm that requests can be accepted, before sending an actual request.
preflight n. An inspection of an aircraft before the start of a flight.
SHOPLIFTSshoplifts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shoplift.
shop-lifts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of shop-lift.
SHOPLIFT v. to steal goods from a store.
TOPFLIGHTtopflight adj. Best, A-one, superior.
top-flight adj. Of the highest rank, or peak of excellence.
top-flight adj. In the highest division.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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