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There are 18 nine-letter words containing F, G, R and 2U

FAUBOURGSfaubourgs n. Plural of faubourg.
FAUBOURG n. (French) a suburb just beyond the walls or a district recently included within a city.
FULGOROUSfulgorous adj. Flashing or shining brightly.
FULGOROUS adj. flashing like lightning, also FULGUROUS, FULGURANT.
FULGURANTfulgurant adj. Resembling a lightning flash; fulgurous.
FULGURANT adj. flashing like lightning, also FULGOROUS, FULGUROUS.
FULGURATEfulgurate v. To flash or emit flashes like lightning.
fulgurate v. (Medicine) To cauterize with electricity; to carry out electrofulguration or to electrocauterize.
FULGURATE v. to flash like lightning.
FULGURITEfulgurite n. Glass formed by a lightning strike melting sand or other material.
FULGURITE n. a vitrified sand tube produced by the striking of lightning on sand.
FULGUROUSfulgurous adj. Resembling a lightning flash; fulgurant.
fulgurous adj. Full of lightning.
FULGUROUS adj. flashing like lightning, also FULGOROUS, FULGURANT.
FURLOUGHSfurloughs n. Plural of furlough.
furloughs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of furlough.
Furloughs prop.n. Plural of Furlough.
GOURDFULSgourdfuls n. Plural of gourdful.
GOURDFUL n. the contents of a gourd.
GRUDGEFULgrudgeful adj. Full of grudge.
GRUDGEFUL adj. (Spenser) full of grudge; envious.
HUNGERFULhungerful adj. (Rare) hungry.
HUNGERFUL adj. hungry.
OUTFIGUREoutfigure v. (Transitive) To outthink.
OUTFIGURE v. to surpass in figuring.
SULFURINGsulfuring v. Present participle of sulfur.
sulfuring n. Treatment with sulfur or sulfur compounds.
SULFUR v. to treat with sulfur, also SULPHUR.
UNFIGUREDunfigured adj. Not figured; not marked with a pattern.
unfigured adj. Not figurative; literal.
UNFIGURED adj. not figured.
UNFRAUGHTunfraught adj. Not fraught.
UNFRAUGHT v. to unload.
UNFURLINGunfurling v. Present participle of unfurl.
unfurling n. The act by which something is unfurled.
UNFURL v. to unroll.
UNGUIFORMunguiform adj. Claw-shaped.
UNGUIFORM adj. shaped like a claw.
UNTURFINGunturfing v. Present participle of unturf.
UNTURF v. to strip of turf.
UPFURLINGupfurling v. Present participle of upfurl.
UPFURL v. to roll up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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