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There are 17 nine-letter words containing F, G, 2L and U

BULLFIGHTbullfight n. A public spectacle, in Spain and some other Latin countries, in which a person baits and often kills a bull.
BULLFIGHT n. a fight with a bull.
BULLFROGSbullfrogs n. Plural of bullfrog.
BULLFROG n. a large frog.
FIGURALLYfigurally adv. In a figural manner.
FIGURAL adv. represented by a figure.
FLAGELLUMflagellum n. (Biology) In protists, a long, whiplike membrane-enclosed organelle used for locomotion or feeding.
flagellum n. (Biology) In bacteria, a long, whiplike proteinaceous appendage, used for locomotion.
flagellum n. A whip.
FLUGELMANflugelman n. Alternative form of fugleman.
FLUGELMAN n. (German) a leader (esp. political); the lead soldier for a company, also FUGLEMAN.
FLUGELMENflugelmen n. Plural of flugelman.
FLUGELMAN n. (German) a leader (esp. political); the lead soldier for a company, also FUGLEMAN.
FULGENTLYfulgently adv. In a fulgent manner; so as to dazzle or glitter.
FULGENT adv. shining brightly, also FULGID.
FULLERINGfullering v. Present participle of fuller.
FULLER v. to groove with a type of hammer.
GAINFULLYgainfully adv. In a gainful manner; profitably.
GAINFUL adv. profitable.
GLASSFULSglassfuls n. Plural of glassful.
GLASSFUL n. as much as a drinking glass would hold.
GLEEFULLYgleefully adv. With glee; joyfully.
GLEEFUL adv. merry, also GLEESOME.
GRONEFULLgronefull adj. Obsolete form of groanful.
GRONEFULL adj. (Spenser) groanful, also GROANFUL.
LANGLAUFSlanglaufs n. Plural of langlauf.
langlaufs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of langlauf.
LANGLAUF n. (German) a cross-country ski run.
LENGTHFULlengthful adj. (Obsolete) long.
LENGTHFUL adj. long.
PLIGHTFULplightful adj. Full of risk or danger; risky; dangerous; perilous.
plightful adj. Full of plight; plighted; pledged; devoted.
plightful adj. Indicating plight; dire; grim; grievous.
SONGFULLYsongfully adv. In a songful manner.
SONGFUL adv. disposed to sing; full of song.
UPFILLINGupfilling v. Present participle of upfill.
upfilling n. (Geology) A rock formation that fills the lower part of a hollow or valley.
UPFILLING n. the act of filling up.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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