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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2F, 2O and S

AFFOGATOSaffogatos n. Plural of affogato.
AFFOGATO n. (Italian) a dessert made by pouring espresso coffee over ice cream.
FLATFOOTSflatfoots n. Plural of flatfoot.
flatfoots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flatfoot.
flat-foots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flat-foot.
FOALFOOTSfoalfoots n. Plural of foalfoot.
FOALFOOT n. a plant with large soft leaves, aka coltsfoot.
FOODSTUFFfoodstuff n. A material that may be used as food.
FOODSTUFF n. a substance used as food.
FOOFARAWSfoofaraws n. Plural of foofaraw.
FOOFARAW n. frills and flashy finery; much ado about nothing.
FOOTFALLSfootfalls n. Plural of footfall.
foot-falls n. Plural of foot-fall.
FOOTFALL n. the sound of a footstep.
FOOTMUFFSfootmuffs n. Plural of footmuff.
FOOTMUFF n. a muff for keeping the feet warm.
FOREHOOFSforehoofs n. Plural of forehoof.
FOREHOOF n. the hoof of a forefoot.
FROUFROUSfroufrous n. Plural of froufrou.
frou-frous n. Plural of frou-frou.
FROUFROU n. (French) the rustling of silk; frills or decoration.
KNOCKOFFSknockoffs n. Plural of knockoff.
knock-offs n. Plural of knock-off.
knock␣offs n. Plural of knock off.
MOUFFLONSmoufflons n. Plural of moufflon.
MOUFFLON n. (French) a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFLON, MUFLON, MUSIMON, MUSMON.
OFFICIOUSofficious adj. (Obsolete) Obliging, attentive, eager to please.
officious adj. Offensively intrusive or interfering in offering advice and services.
OFFICIOUS adj. volunteering one's services too eagerly.
OFFSEASONoffseason n. Alternative form of off-season.
off-season n. The part of the year when business is most slack and there are fewest clients or visitors.
off-season n. (Sports) Period of time when regular competitions are not being held, or when an athlete is not participating…
OFFSHOOTSoffshoots n. Plural of offshoot.
OFFSHOOT n. a lateral shoot from a main stem.
OFFSHOREDoffshored v. Simple past tense and past participle of offshore.
OFFSHORE v. to transfer jobs to another country.
OFFSHORESoffshores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of offshore.
OFFSHORE v. to transfer jobs to another country.
STAFFROOMstaffroom n. A room set aside for the use of staff.
STAFFROOM n. a room in a school set aside for the teaching staff.
WOODRUFFSwoodruffs n. Plural of woodruff.
WOODRUFF n. a plant with small white flowers, also WOODROOF.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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