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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2F, N, R and T

AFFERENTSafferents n. Plural of afferent.
AFFERENT n. something that carries towards.
AFFIRMANTaffirmant n. One who affirms or asserts.
affirmant n. (Law) One who affirms of taking an oath.
AFFIRMANT n. one who affirms or asserts.
AFFRONTEDaffronted adj. Defiant.
affronted adj. (Heraldry) Synonym of affronté.
affronted v. Simple past tense and past participle of affront.
AFFRONTEEaffrontee n. One who receives an affront.
affrontee adj. Alternative form of affronté.
affrontée adj. Alternative form of affronté.
DIFFERENTdifferent adj. Not the same; exhibiting a difference.
different adj. Various, assorted, diverse.
different adj. Distinct, separate; used for emphasis after numbers and other determiners of quantity.
EFFERENTSefferents n. Plural of efferent.
EFFERENT n. a nerve carrying impulses away.
FIFTEENERfifteener n. (UK, informal) A film assigned an age rating of 15, those under 15 not being permitted to view it.
fifteener n. (Bibliography, informal) A book printed in the 15th century.
FIFTEENER n. a verse of fifteen syllables.
FOREFRONTforefront n. The leading position or edge.
forefront v. (Transitive) To bring to the forefront; to emphasize, or focus on.
FOREFRONT n. the front or foremost part.
FRANKFORTFrankfort prop.n. A city, the county seat of Clinton County, Indiana, United States.
Frankfort prop.n. The capital city of Kentucky, United States and the county seat of Franklin County.
Frankfort prop.n. Obsolete form of Frankfurt (“city in Germany”).
FRANKFURTfrankfurt n. (US, Australia) A frankfurter; a hot dog sausage.
Frankfurt prop.n. Frankfurt am Main, the largest city in Hesse, in central Germany.
Frankfurt prop.n. Frankfurt an der Oder, a sizable town in Brandenburg, in eastern Germany.
NONTARIFFnontariff adj. (Of a restriction to trade) not involving the imposition of a tariff in the form of a tax or duty.
non-tariff adj. Alternative form of nontariff.
NONTARIFF adj. not involving a tariff.
OFFPRINTSoffprints n. Plural of offprint.
offprints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of offprint.
OFFPRINT v. to reprint an excerpt.
RAFFINATEraffinate n. (Chemistry) A solution from which some material has been removed by extraction with an immiscible liquid.
raffinate v. To separate by means of raffination.
RAFFINATE n. the refined fraction which results after removal of impurities by solvent extraction, specifically in oil refining.
STIFFENERstiffener n. Anything added to something in order to stiffen it, such as a support beam, or starch for a collar.
stiffener n. (Slang) An alcoholic drink taken to fortify oneself.
STIFFENER n. something used to stiffen.
STRAFFINGSTRAFF v. (German) to rake with machinegun fire from low-flying aircraft, also STRAFE.
TARIFFINGtariffing v. Present participle of tariff.
TARIFF v. to tax imported or exported goods.
TRUFFLINGtruffling n. Searching for, and digging up truffles.
TRUFFLING n. the act of gathering truffles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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