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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing F, N, O and 2T

CONFETTIconfetti n. Small pieces or strips (streamers) of colored paper or other material (metal, plaster, etc) generally…
confetti n. (Rare) Edible Italian sugar-coated almonds, especially those which are used as part of a traditional Italian wedding.
confetti v. (Transitive) To scatter with confetti.
CONFETTOconfetto n. (Rare) A single piece of confetti; singular of confetti.
CONFETTO n. (Italian) a small piece of paper thrown at a wedding.
FETATIONfetation n. The formation of a fetus in the womb; pregnancy.
FETATION n. the development of a fetus, also FOETATION.
FISTNOTEfistnote n. A printed note (as in a book) preceded by a symbol in the shape of a fist with pointed index finger.
FISTNOTE n. an index mark which draws attention to part of the text.
FLETTONSflettons n. Plural of fletton.
FLETTON n. a type of brick made near Fletton in Cambridgeshire, of a mottled yellow and pink colour.
FLOATANTfloatant adj. (Heraldry) Alternative form of flotant.
floatant n. (Fishing) A chemical agent applied to a fly to make it float on the water.
FLOATANT n. something which makes things float.
FONTLETSfontlets n. Plural of fontlet.
FONTLET n. a little font.
FOOTNOTEfootnote n. A short piece of text, often numbered, placed at the bottom of a printed page, that adds a comment…
footnote n. (By extension) An event of lesser importance than some larger event to which it is related.
footnote n. A qualification to the import of something.
FRONTESTfrontest adj. (Phonetics) superlative form of front: most front.
FRONT adj. to the fore.
FRONTLETfrontlet n. (Obsolete) The forehead.
frontlet n. The forehead of an animal, especially of a deer or stag (including the antlers).
frontlet n. An ornament worn on the forehead.
NONFATTYnonfatty adj. Not fatty.
NONFATTY adj. not fatty.
OFTENESToftenest adv. (Dated) superlative form of often: most often.
OFTEN adv. happening many times.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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