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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing F, N, O, P and T

FORSPENTforspent adj. (Archaic, poetic) exhausted.
FORSPEND v. to wear out, also FORESPEND.
FROSTNIPfrostnip n. The first stage of frostbite.
FROSTNIP n. the freezing of outer skin layers.
OFFPRINToffprint n. A reproduction of a single article from a journal or similar publication.
offprint v. (Transitive) To reprint as an excerpt.
OFFPRINT v. to reprint an excerpt.
PANFORTEpanforte n. A dense flat cake made with honey, hazelnuts, almonds, candied fruit, cocoa and spices; a speciality of Siena.
PANFORTE n. (Italian) a hard spicy cake.
PANTOFLEpantofle n. (Archaic, historical) A slipper.
PANTOFLE n. a slipper, an overshoe, also PANTABLE, PANTOFFLE, PANTOUFLE.
PENTROOFpentroof n. Alternative form of pent roof.
pent␣roof n. A sloping roof with a singular surface.
pent␣roof n. A short roof appended to the side of a building, particularly a barn.
PONTIFEXpontifex n. (Historical) A pontiff, or high priest, in Ancient Rome.
PONTIFEX n. (Latin) a chief priest, also PONTIFF.
PONTIFFSpontiffs n. Plural of pontiff.
Pontiffs prop.n. Plural of Pontiff.
PONTIFF n. (Latin) a chief priest, also PONTIFEX.
PONTIFICpontific adj. Alternative form of pontifical.
PONTIFIC adj. relating to, or consisting of, pontiffs or priests.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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