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There are 18 eight-letter words containing F, 2N, O and T

CONFRONTconfront v. (Transitive) To stand or meet facing, especially in competition, hostility or defiance; to come face to face with.
confront v. (Transitive) To deal with.
confront v. (Transitive) To bring someone face to face with something.
FENTHIONfenthion n. An organothiophosphate insecticide, avicide, and acaricide.
FENTHION n. an insecticide.
FONDANTSfondants n. Plural of fondant.
FONDANT n. (French) a soft sweet made with flavoured sugar and water.
FONTANELfontanel n. Alternative spelling of fontanelle.
FONTANEL n. a membrane-covered gap between the immature parietal bones in the skull of a foetus or infant, also FONTANELLE.
FONTANGEfontange n. A headdress popular among aristocrats in Europe in the late 17th century and early 18th century, made…
FONTANGE n. (French) a kind of tall headdress worn in the seventeenth century.
FONTINASfontinas n. Plural of fontina.
FONTINA n. (Italian) an Italian cheese.
FORNENSTfornenst prep. Alternative form of forenenst.
FORNENST adv. (Scots) right opposite to in location, also FERNINST, FOREANENT, FORNENT.
FOUNTAINfountain n. (Originally) A natural source of water; a spring.
fountain n. An artificial, usually ornamental, water feature (usually in a garden or public place) consisting of…
fountain n. The structure from which an artificial fountain can issue.
FRONDENTfrondent adj. (Archaic) Covered with leaves; leafy.
FRONDENT adj. leafy.
FRONTINGfronting n. (Phonetics, phonology) A process whereby a vowel or a consonant is pronounced farther to the front of…
fronting n. (Phonology) A phonological relationship where a front vowel is found in place of a relative back vowel…
fronting n. (Linguistics) An analogous relationship between the vowel sounds in a dialect of a language relative…
FRONTMANfrontman n. Alternative spelling of front man: a person acting as the public face of an organization.
frontman n. Alternative spelling of front man: the lead male singer in a band.
front␣man n. A person acting as the public face of some other, covert group.
FRONTMENfrontmen n. Plural of frontman.
front␣men n. Plural of front man.
FRONTMAN n. the presenter of a TV program.
FRONTONSfrontons n. Plural of fronton.
FRONTON n. (French) an area used for jai alai (a form of handball).
FRONTOONfrontoon n. (Architecture) Alternative form of fronton (“a pediment”).
FRONTOON n. (French) a pediment.
FUNCTIONfunction n. What something does or is used for.
function n. A professional or official position.
function n. An official or social occasion.
NONFACTSnonfacts n. Plural of nonfact.
NONFACT n. a statement not based on fact.
NONFATALnonfatal adj. Not fatal; from which death will not result.
nonfatal n. An incident not causing death; a nonfatality.
non-fatal adj. Alternative spelling of nonfatal.
NONFATTYnonfatty adj. Not fatty.
NONFATTY adj. not fatty.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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