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There are 19 eight-letter words containing F, L, O, P and U

APRONFULapronful n. As much as an apron will hold.
APRONFUL n. an amount carried in an upturned apron.
CROPFULLcropfull adj. Alternative form of cropful.
CROPFULL n. as much as a bird's crop can hold, also CROPFUL.
CROPFULScropfuls n. Plural of cropful.
CROPFUL n. as much as a bird's crop can hold, also CROPFULL.
FOLLOWUPfollowup n. Alternative spelling of follow-up.
follow-up n. A subsidiary action taken in response to an event.
follow-up n. (Internet) A posted message on a newsgroup, etc. in reply to a previous one.
FOURPLAYfourplay n. Quad play.
FOURPLAY n. the supply to a customer by one provider of television, internet, and both fixed-line and mobile telephony, also QUADPLAY.
FOURPLEXfourplex n. Quadplex.
FOURPLEX n. a building having four units, also QUADPLEX.
HOPEFULShopefuls n. Plural of hopeful.
HOPEFUL n. one that seems promising.
POKEFULSpokefuls n. Plural of pokeful.
POKEFUL n. as much as a poke (bag) will hold.
POUCHFULpouchful n. As much as a pouch can hold.
POUCHFUL n. as much as a pouch can hold.
POWERFULpowerful adj. Having, or capable of exerting power, potency or influence.
powerful adj. Leading to many or important deductions.
powerful adj. (Mining) Large; capacious; said of veins of ore.
PROUDFULproudful adj. Full of pride; excessively proud.
PROUDFUL adj. (dialect) full of pride.
SCOOPFULscoopful n. The quantity in a scoop.
SCOOPFUL n. as much as a scoop can hold.
SHOPFULSshopfuls n. Plural of shopful.
SHOPFUL n. as much as a shop can hold.
SPOILFULspoilful adj. (Obsolete) Destructive, pillaging.
SPOILFUL adj. wasteful; rapacious, also SPOYLEFULL.
SPOONFULspoonful n. The amount that a spoon will hold, either level or heaped.
SPOONFUL n. as much as a spoon can hold.
SPORTFULsportful adj. (Archaic) playful, merry.
sportful adj. Related to sport.
SPORTFUL adj. full of sport; merry.
UPFLOWEDupflowed v. Simple past tense and past participle of upflow.
UPFLOW v. to flow up.
UPFOLDEDupfolded v. Simple past tense and past participle of upfold.
UPFOLD v. to fold up.
UPFOLLOWUPFOLLOW v. (Keats) to follow.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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