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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 19 eight-letter words containing F, L, N, R and T

CORNLOFTcornloft n. A loft for corn; a granary.
CORNLOFT n. a loft for corn; a granary.
FLAGRANTflagrant adj. Obvious and offensive; blatant; scandalous.
flagrant adj. (Archaic) On fire; flaming.
flagrant adj. (Obsolete) Misspelling of fragrant.
FLATIRONflatiron n. A simple iron (for pressing laundry) which is heated on a stove.
flatiron n. A pair of metal tongs with heated ceramic plates used for straightening hair.
flatiron n. (Especially referring to the shape of a building) a quadrilateral with two parallel sides, one of which…
FLAUNTERflaunter n. Someone who flaunts.
FLAUNTER n. one who flaunts.
FLINTIERflintier adj. Comparative form of flinty: more flinty.
FLINTY adj. resembling flint.
FLIRTINGflirting v. Present participle of flirt.
flirting n. A flirtation.
FLIRTING n. the act of flirting.
FLITTERNflittern n. (Obsolete, dialect) The bark obtained from young oak trees.
flittern n. (Obsolete, dialect) A young oak tree.
FLITTERN n. bark obtained from young oak trees.
FLOREANTFLOREANT v. (Latin) may they flourish.
FORELENTforelent v. Simple past tense and past participle of forelend.
FORELEND v. to grant beforehand, also FORLEND.
FRONTALSfrontals n. Plural of frontal.
FRONTAL n. a cloth hanging over front of altar.
FRONTLETfrontlet n. (Obsolete) The forehead.
frontlet n. The forehead of an animal, especially of a deer or stag (including the antlers).
frontlet n. An ornament worn on the forehead.
INFLATERinflater n. Someone who inflates.
inflater n. A pump, canister or other source of pressurised gas used to inflate tires.
inflater n. (Economics) A cause of inflation.
INFLATORinflator n. Alternative spelling of inflater.
INFLATOR n. one that inflates, also INFLATER.
REFLUENTrefluent adj. (Now literary) Flowing back.
REFLUENT adj. flowing back.
RUNFLATSRUNFLAT n. a tyre able to run after being punctured.
TRAINFULtrainful n. The quantity contained in a train.
trainful n. (By extension) A large quantity.
TRAINFUL n. as much as a railway train can hold.
TRIFLINGtrifling adj. Trivial, or of little importance.
trifling adj. Idle or frivolous.
trifling adj. (AAVE) Of suspicious character, typically secretive or deceitful; shady.
TRUNKFULtrunkful n. As much as a trunk will hold.
TRUNKFUL n. as much as a storage box can hold.
UNARTFULunartful adj. Not artful; lacking craft, artless.
unartful adj. Lacking skill.
UNARTFUL adj. lacking art or skill; artless.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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