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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing F, L, M, R and S

FIRMLESSfirmless adj. (Obsolete) Detached from physical substance.
firmless adj. (Obsolete) Infirm; unstable.
FIRMLESS adj. (obsolete) wavering.
FLIMSIERflimsier adj. Comparative form of flimsy: more flimsy.
FLIMSY adj. lacking strength.
FORMLESSformless adj. Without form; shapeless.
formless adj. (Not comparable) Without the use of forms or templates.
FORMLESS adj. lacking structure.
FORMULASformulas n. Plural of formula.
FORMULA n. (Latin) a prescribed or set form.
FRUMPLESfrumples v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of frumple.
frumples n. Plural of frumple.
FRUMPLE v. (dialect) to wrinkle.
FULCRUMSfulcrums n. Plural of fulcrum.
FULCRUM n. (Latin) a support for a lever.
FULSOMERfulsomer adj. Comparative form of fulsome: more fulsome.
FULSOME adj. cloying.
FUMBLERSfumblers n. Plural of fumbler.
FUMBLER n. one who fumbles.
MERFOLKSmerfolks n. Plural of merfolk.
MERFOLK n. mermen and mermaids.
MUFFLERSmufflers n. Plural of muffler.
MUFFLER n. a thick scarf, collar, etc.
ROOMFULSroomfuls n. Plural of roomful.
ROOMFUL n. the contents of a room.
ROOMSFULroomsful n. Plural of roomful.
ROOMFUL n. the contents of a room.
SLIPFORMslipform n. (Uncountable) A type of process for setting concrete which uses moveable forms that are moved and reused…
slipform n. (Countable) A moveable form used when setting concrete using the slipform technique.
slipform v. To use the slipform technique when creating a concrete structure.
STORMFULstormful adj. Abounding with storms; stormy.
STORMFUL adj. abounding with storms.
WOLFRAMSWOLFRAM n. (German) an alternative name for tungsten.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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