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There are 20 eight-letter words containing F, L, M, N and U

FLUMPINGflumping v. Present participle of flump.
FLUMP v. to fall or move heavily.
FRENULUMfrenulum n. (Anatomy) A small fold or ridge of tissue that supports or restrains the motion of the part to which…
frenulum n. (Entomology, zootomy) A bristle or row of bristles on the edge of the hindwings of some lepidoptera…
FRENULUM n. (Latin) a connecting fold of membrane, also FRENUM, FRAENUM.
FUGLEMANfugleman n. The member of a military group who leads the way or demonstrates drill; hence, someone who keeps the…
fugleman n. (By extension) A political leader, or a ringleader.
FUGLEMAN n. (German) a soldier placed in front of the regiment while drilling to demonstrate motions and time, also FLUGELMAN.
FUGLEMENfuglemen n. Plural of fugleman.
FUGLEMAN n. (German) a soldier placed in front of the regiment while drilling to demonstrate motions and time, also FLUGELMAN.
FULMINEDfulmined v. Simple past tense and past participle of fulmine.
FULMINE v. (Spenser) to explode loudly.
FULMINESfulmines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fulmine.
FULMINE v. (Spenser) to explode loudly.
FULMINICfulminic adj. Of or pertaining to fulminic acid or its derivatives.
FULMINIC adj. highly explosive.
FUMBLINGfumbling v. Present participle of fumble.
fumbling n. An instance of clumsiness, especially of the hands or fingers.
FUMBLE v. to handle clumsily.
FUMINGLYfumingly adv. In a rage.
FUMING adv. FUME, to give off smoke or vapour.
MANFULLYmanfully adv. In a manful manner; with the characteristics considered typical of a man, such as strength, courage…
MANFUL adv. courageous.
MENSEFULmenseful adj. (UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) decorous; mannerly; respectful and worth of respect.
MENSEFUL adj. (Scots) decorous, graceful.
MONOFUELmonofuel n. Synonym of monopropellant.
MONOFUEL n. a type of rocket propellant.
MOUFFLONmoufflon n. Alternative spelling of mouflon.
MOUFFLON n. (French) a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFLON, MUFLON, MUSIMON, MUSMON.
MOUFLONSmouflons n. Plural of mouflon.
MOUFLON n. (French) a Corsican wild sheep, also MOUFFLON, MUFLON, MUSIMON, MUSMON.
MOURNFULmournful adj. Filled with grief or sadness; being in a state in which one mourns.
mournful adj. Fit to inspire mourning; tragic.
MOURNFUL adj. sad, grieving.
MUFFLINGmuffling v. Present participle of muffle.
muffling n. (Chiefly in the plural) That which muffles; heavy clothing.
MUFFLE v. to dull the sound of.
UNFILMEDunfilmed adj. Not having been filmed.
UNFILMED adj. not filmed.
UNFORMALunformal adj. Not formal.
UNFORMAL adj. not formal, also INFORMAL.
UNMANFULunmanful adj. Not manful.
UNMANFUL adj. not manful.
UNMUFFLEunmuffle v. (Transitive) To take a covering from, as the face; to uncover.
unmuffle v. (Transitive) To remove the muffling of, as a drum.
unmuffle v. (Intransitive) To throw off one’s concealments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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