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There are 20 eight-letter words containing F, 2L, N and U

FAUNALLYfaunally adv. With regard to the fauna of a region.
FAUNAL adv. relating to fauna, the animal life of a region.
FLUELLENfluellen n. Any plant of the genus Kickxia, that have purple and yellow flowers.
Fluellen prop.n. A surname.
FLUELLEN n. a weedy annual related to toadflax, also FLUELLIN.
FLUELLINfluellin n. (Obsolete) Any of various varieties of Veronica, especially Veronica officinalis; speedwell.
fluellin n. Alternative form of fluellen (Kickxia spp.).
FLUELLIN n. a weedy annual related to toadflax, also FLUELLEN.
FLUENTLYfluently adv. In a fluent manner, as expressing oneself easily, especially in a foreign language.
fluently adv. In a fluent manner, as having graceful movements.
fluently adv. In a fluent manner, as literally flowing.
FUELLINGfuelling v. (British spelling) (Canadian spelling, common) present participle of fuel.
fuelling n. Britain standard spelling of fueling.
Fuelling prop.n. A surname from German.
FULLNESSfullness n. Being full; completeness.(Can we add an example for this sense?).
fullness n. The degree to which a space is full.(Can we add an example for this sense?).
fullness n. (Figurative) The degree to which fate has become known. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
LANGLAUFlanglauf n. (Uncountable) Cross-country skiing.
langlauf n. (Countable) A langlauf run; a trip cross-country skiing.
langlauf v. To go cross-country skiing.
LUNGFULSlungfuls n. Plural of lungful.
LUNGFUL n. as much as the lungs can hold.
MANFULLYmanfully adv. In a manful manner; with the characteristics considered typical of a man, such as strength, courage…
MANFUL adv. courageous.
PLAINFULplainful adj. (Archaic) Full of lamentation.
plainful adj. Plain; obvious.
plainful n. As much as a plain contains.
SINFULLYsinfully adv. In a sinful manner; wickedly.
sinfully adv. To an extent or degree that is sinful.
SINFUL adv. tainted with sin.
SULFINYLsulfinyl n. Thionyl.
SULFINYL n. the bivalent chemical group, SO, also SULPHINYL.
SULFONYLsulfonyl n. (Chemistry) The bivalent radical or functional group -SO2-.
sulfonyl n. (Organic chemistry) Any univalent radical derived from a sulfonic acid.
SULFONYL n. a bivalent sulphone group, also SULFURYL, SULPHONYL, SULPHURYL.
UNFALLENunfallen adj. Not having fallen; that has not experienced or suffered a fall.
UNFALLEN adj. not fallen.
UNFELLEDunfelled adj. Not having been felled.
UNFELLED adj. not felled.
UNFILIALunfilial adj. Not befitting or proper for a son.
UNFILIAL adj. not filial.
UNFILLEDunfilled adj. Not filled, especially occupational positions.
unfilled v. Simple past tense and past participle of unfill.
UNFILLED adj. not filled.
UNFOLLOWunfollow v. (Transitive, intransitive, social media) To cease to subscribe to (a feed of another user’s activity).
UNFOLLOW v. to decline to receive messages from (a person who is posting on a social media site).
UNLAWFULunlawful adj. (Law) Prohibited; not permitted by law (either civil or criminal law; see illegal).
UNLAWFUL adj. not lawful.
UNWILFULunwilful adj. Not wilful.
UNWILFUL adj. not wilful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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