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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing F, I, 2O and P

AIRPROOFairproof adj. Airtight.
airproof v. (Transitive) To make airtight.
air-proof adj. Airtight.
DISPROOFdisproof n. A refutation.
DISPROOF n. the act of disproving.
FLIPBOOKflipbook n. Alternative spelling of flip book.
flip␣book n. A booklet containing a sequence of near-identical images so that flipping rapidly through the pages…
FLIPBOOK n. a book of a series of images that when flipped give the illusion of movement.
OILPROOFoilproof adj. Resistant to oil.
oilproof v. (Transitive) To make resistant to oil.
OILPROOF adj. impervious to oil.
OPSONIFYopsonify v. Synonym of opsonize.
OPSONIFY v. to form opsonins in, a substance of blood serum making bacteria vulnerable to phagocytic action.
PHOTOFITphotofit n. An image of a person constructed out of bits of photographs of other people; a facial composite.
PHOTOFIT n. (tradename) a method of building up a picture of a person by assembling a number of photographs of individual facial features.
PROOFINGproofing n. A step in creating yeast breads and baked goods, during which the yeast is allowed to leaven the dough.
proofing v. Present participle of proof.
PROOFING n. material used to make things waterproof.
SPOOFIERspoofier adj. Comparative form of spoofy: more spoofy.
SPOOFY adj. humorously satiric.
SPOOFINGspoofing v. Present participle of spoof.
spoofing n. (Computing) A method of attacking a computer program, in which the program is modified so as to appear…
spoofing n. (Computing) Phishing.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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