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There are 15 eight-letter words containing F, I and 3L

BILLFOLDbillfold n. A small, folding sleeve or case designed to hold paper currency, as well as credit cards, pictures, etc.
BILLFOLD n. a wallet.
FALLIBLEfallible adj. Capable of making mistakes or being wrong.
FALLIBLE adj. capable of erring.
FALLIBLYfallibly adv. In a fallible manner.
FALLIBLE adv. capable of erring.
FILIALLYfilially adv. In a filial manner.
FILIAL adv. pertaining to a son or daughter.
FILLABLEfillable adj. Able to be filled.
FILLABLE adj. capable of being filled.
FLOTILLAflotilla n. (Nautical) A small fleet of warships (usually of the same class), or a fleet of small ships.
FLOTILLA n. a fleet of ships.
FLUELLINfluellin n. (Obsolete) Any of various varieties of Veronica, especially Veronica officinalis; speedwell.
fluellin n. Alternative form of fluellen (Kickxia spp.).
FLUELLIN n. a weedy annual related to toadflax, also FLUELLEN.
FOLLICLEfollicle n. (Anatomy) A small cavity or sac, such as a hair follicle.
follicle n. (Botany) A type of primitive dry fruit produced by certain flowering plants.
FOLLICLE n. a fruit which develops from a single ovary, dries out on ripening and splits on one side only to release its fruit.
FULFILLSfulfills v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fulfill.
FULFILL v. to bring about the accomplishment of, also FULFIL.
HILLFOLKhillfolk n. Hillspeople.
HILLFOLK n. people living among the hills.
LAKEFILLlakefill n. Land reclaimed from a lake by filling it.
LAKEFILL n. an area of land built by filling a lake.
LANDFILLlandfill v. (Transitive) To dispose of (garbage) by burying it at a landfill site.
landfill n. (Countable) A site at which refuse is buried under layers of earth.
landfill n. (Uncountable) The material so disposed of.
SKILFULLskilfull adj. Archaic form of skilful.
SKILFULL adj. full of skill, also SKILFUL, SKILLFUL.
SKILLFULskillful adj. Possessing skill; skilled.
skillful adj. Requiring skill.
SKILLFUL adj. having skill, also SKILFUL, SKILLY.
WILFULLYwilfully adv. (Obsolete) Willingly, of one’s own free will.
wilfully adv. Deliberately, on purpose.
WILFUL adv. bent on having one's own way, also WILLFUL, WILLYARD, WILLYART.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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