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There are 20 eight-letter words containing F, 2I, R and U

AURIFIEDaurified v. Simple past tense and past participle of aurify.
AURIFY v. to turn into gold.
AURIFIESaurifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of aurify.
AURIFY v. to turn into gold.
CRUCIFIXcrucifix n. A wooden cross used for crucifixions, as by the Romans.
crucifix n. An ornamental or symbolic sculptural representation of Christ on a cross, often worn as a pendant or…
crucifix n. (Gymnastics) The iron cross, a position on the rings where the gymnast holds the rings straight out…
FIGURINEfigurine n. A small carved or molded figure; a statuette.
FIGURINE n. a small modelled or sculpted figure.
FIGURINGfiguring n. Calculation.
figuring n. Structure, design, or arrangement; figure.
figuring n. Representation.
FIGURISTfigurist n. (Christianity, historical) A proponent of figurism.
figurist n. One who uses or interprets figurative expressions.
FIGURIST n. one who uses or interprets figurative expressions.
FRUITIERfruitier adj. Comparative form of fruity: more fruity.
FRUITY adj. tasting of fruit.
FRUITILYfruitily adv. In a fruity way.
FRUITY adv. tasting of fruit.
FRUITINGfruiting v. Present participle of fruit.
fruiting n. (Countable) A fruiting body.
fruiting n. (Uncountable) The act of producing fruit, seeds, or spores; fructification.
FRUITIONfruition n. The fulfillment of something worked for.
fruition n. The enjoyment derived from a possession.
fruition n. The condition of bearing fruit.
FRUITIVEfruitive adj. (Obsolete) enjoying; possessing.
FRUITIVE adj. coming to fruition.
FUSILIERfusilier n. An infantryman armed with a form of flintlock musket.
fusilier n. (Britain) A soldier in any of several regiments that once fought with such weapons.
fusilier n. A fish in family Caesionidae, related to snappers.
PURIFIEDpurified adj. Made or rendered pure or more pure.
purified v. Simple past tense and past participle of purify.
PURIFY v. to cleanse from impurities.
PURIFIERpurifier n. A person or device that purifies (by removing impurities).
PURIFIER n. one that purifies.
PURIFIESpurifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of purify.
PURIFY v. to cleanse from impurities.
RUBIFIEDrubified v. Simple past tense and past participle of rubify.
RUBIFY v. to redden, also RUBEFY.
RUBIFIESrubifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rubify.
RUBIFY v. to redden, also RUBEFY.
UGLIFIERuglifier n. One who or that which uglifies.
UGLIFIER n. something or someone that uglifies.
UNIFIERSunifiers n. Plural of unifier.
UNIFIER n. something or someone that unifies.
UNIFILARunifilar adj. Having or using only one thread.
unifilar adj. (Biochemistry, of DNA) single-stranded.
UNIFILAR adj. having only one thread, wire or fibre.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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