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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing F, H, N, O and S

BONEFISHbonefish n. Any of various game fish, of the family Albulidae, found in shallow, tropical waters.
bonefish n. A surgeonfish of the family Acanthuridae, especially genus Acanthurus.
bonefish n. (New England) A doctorfish, common dogfish, Squalus acanthias.
CHIFFONSchiffons n. Plural of chiffon.
CHIFFON n. (French) a sheer fabric.
FANTOOSHFANTOOSH adj. (Scots) fashionable, pretentious.
FASHIONSfashions n. Plural of fashion.
fashions v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of fashion.
FASHION v. to give a particular shape or form to.
FASHIONYfashiony adj. (Informal) Characteristic of the fashion industry.
FASHIONY adj. fashionable.
FAUCHONSfauchons n. Plural of fauchon.
FAUCHON n. a curved short sword with a broad blade, also FALCHION, FAUCHION, FAULCHION.
FISHBONEfishbone n. A bone from a fish.
FISHBONE n. a bone of a fish.
FISHPONDfishpond n. A freshwater pond stocked with fish; especially one formerly attached to a monastery etc as a source of food.
fish-pond n. Alternative spelling of fishpond.
fish␣pond n. Alternative spelling of fishpond.
FOGHORNSfoghorns n. Plural of foghorn.
fog-horns n. Plural of fog-horn.
fog␣horns n. Plural of fog horn.
FORHENTSFORHENT v. to overtake, also FOREHENT.
FOXHUNTSfoxhunts n. Plural of foxhunt.
foxhunts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foxhunt.
fox␣hunts n. Plural of fox hunt.
FUNHOUSEfunhouse n. A structure, usually at a circus or amusement park, enclosing several interactive attractions that do…
fun␣house n. A funhouse.
fun␣house n. A carnival or amusement park attraction through which customers ramble to see unexpected clowns, distortion…
FUSHIONSFUSHION n. (Scots) physical energy or strength, also FIZZEN, FOISON, FUSION.
HANDOFFShandoffs n. Plural of handoff, alternative form of hand-off.
hand-offs n. Plural of hand-off.
HANDOFF n. the act of pushing off an opponent e.g. in rugby.
HORNFELShornfels n. Any of a series of contact metamorphic rocks that have been baked and indurated by the heat of intrusive…
HORNFELS n. (German) a compact type of rock composed of lime silicates.
HORNFISHhornfish n. The garfish or sea needle.
HORNFISH n. another name for the garfish.
HORNFULShornfuls n. Plural of hornful.
HORNFUL n. the capacity of a drinking horn.
LIONFISHlionfish n. Any of the venomous fish of the Scorpaenidae family, notable for their long and separated spines.
lion␣fish n. Alternative form of lionfish.
LIONFISH n. a tropical fish.
MONKFISHmonkfish n. Any large bottom-dwelling anglerfish of the genus Lophius, such as Lophius piscatorius, of the Atlantic…
monkfish n. Angel sharks of the genus Squatina.
MONKFISH n. a large edible marine fish.
MOONFISHmoonfish n. Any of various flat, oval marine fish species.
MOONFISH n. the opah or other silvery disc-shaped fish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 6 words
  • Scrabble in German: 29 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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