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There are 17 eight-letter words containing F, H, L, O and R

ARCHFOOLarchfool n. (Archaic) An extremely foolish person.
ARCHFOOL n. a complete fool.
FAHLORESfahlores n. Plural of fahlore.
FAHLORE n. (German) an ore of copper, also FAHLERZ.
FLOURISHflourish v. (Intransitive) To thrive or grow well.
flourish v. (Intransitive) To prosper or fare well.
flourish v. (Intransitive) To be in a period of greatest influence.
FORHAILEFORHAILE v. (Spenser) to distract.
FOURTHLYfourthly adv. In the fourth place; fourth in a row.
FOURTHLY adv. in the fourth place.
FREEHOLDfreehold adj. (Property law) Of a tenure or estate in land, held in fee simple absolute in possession by a proprietor;…
freehold n. Freehold tenure.
freehold n. (Property law) Real property held by a tenure of this type.
FROTHILYfrothily adv. In a frothy way.
FROTHY adv. covered with froth.
FURLOUGHfurlough n. A leave of absence or vacation.
furlough n. The documents authorizing such leave.
furlough n. A period of unpaid time off, used by an employer to reduce costs.
HILLFORThillfort n. Alternative spelling of hill-fort.
hill-fort n. A prehistoric fortification constructed on a hill.
HILLFORT n. a fort built on a hill.
HORNFELShornfels n. Any of a series of contact metamorphic rocks that have been baked and indurated by the heat of intrusive…
HORNFELS n. (German) a compact type of rock composed of lime silicates.
HORNFULShornfuls n. Plural of hornful.
HORNFUL n. the capacity of a drinking horn.
HORSEFLYhorsefly n. Any of several medium to large flies, of the family Tabanidae, that suck the blood of mammals (not to…
horse-fly n. Alternative form of horsefly.
horse␣fly n. Alternative spelling of horsefly.
HOVERFLYhoverfly n. Any of various flies from the family Syrphidae that hover in the air and feed on the nectar of flowers.
hover-fly n. (Dated) Alternative form of hoverfly; any insect, of the Syrphidae family, having wasp-like markings.
HOVERFLY n. a fly noted for hovering.
HUMORFULhumorful adj. Humorous; comical.
HUMORFUL adj. full of humor, also HUMOURFUL.
WORTHFULworthful adj. Full of worth, merit or value.
WORTHFUL adj. (archaic) full of worth; worthy.
WROTHFULwrothful adj. Alternative form of wrathful.
WROTHFUL adj. wrathful, also WROTH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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