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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 9 eight-letter words containing F, G, 2N and R

ENFIRINGenfiring v. Present participle of enfire.
ENFIRE v. (Spenser) to set on fire.
FERNINGSFERNING n. a tendency for cervical mucus to become feathery.
FRANKINGfranking n. (Countable) A device or marking such as postage stamp, printed or stamped impressions, codings, labels…
franking n. (Australia, finance, uncountable) A corporate tax system in which some or all of the tax paid by a company…
franking v. Present participle of frank.
FRINGINGfringing v. Present participle of fringe.
fringing n. A fringe or border.
fringing n. The appearance of false colours in an image as the result of poor registration of component monochrome images.
FRONTINGfronting n. (Phonetics, phonology) A process whereby a vowel or a consonant is pronounced farther to the front of…
fronting n. (Phonology) A phonological relationship where a front vowel is found in place of a relative back vowel…
fronting n. (Linguistics) An analogous relationship between the vowel sounds in a dialect of a language relative…
FROWNINGfrowning v. Present participle of frown.
frowning n. The act of giving a frown.
FROWN v. to wrinkle the brow with displeasure.
INFRINGEinfringe v. (Transitive) Break or violate a treaty, a law, a right etc.
infringe v. (Intransitive) Break in or encroach on something.
INFRINGE v. to violate an oath or law.
REFININGrefining v. Present participle of refine.
refining n. Refinement (process of refining).
REFINING n. the act of refining.
SNARFINGsnarfing v. Present participle of snarf.
SNARF v. (colloquial) to eat or drink greedily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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