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There are 12 eight-letter words containing F, G, I and 2T

CATFIGHTcatfight n. A fight between cats.
catfight n. (Slang) A fight or bickering between women.
cat␣fight n. Alternative form of catfight.
FATIGATEfatigate v. (Obsolete) To weary; to tire; to fatigue.
fatigate adj. (Obsolete) Wearied; tired; fatigued.
FATIGATE v. to weary, also FATIGUE.
FETTLINGfettling v. Present participle of fettle.
fettling n. (Gerund, UK) Repairing; mending; sorting.
fettling n. (Gerund, UK) A mixture of ore, cinders, etc., used to line the hearth of a puddling furnace.
FITTINGSfittings n. Plural of fitting.
Fittings prop.n. Plural of Fitting.
FITTING n. a small often standardized accessory part.
FLATTINGflatting n. (Australia, New Zealand) The practice of living, with others, in a flat.
flatting n. (Countable) A type of paint that dries with a flat (matt) finish; a coating of such paint.
flatting n. The process of applying a coating of flatting paint.
FLITTINGflitting n. Gerund of flit: the motion of something that flits.
flitting n. (Northern England, Scotland) The act of moving from one residence to another; moving house.
flitting v. Present participle of flit.
FRETTINGfretting v. Present participle of fret.
fretting n. Action of the verb to fret.
FRETTING n. peevishness.
FRITTINGfritting v. Present participle of frit.
fritting n. The formation of frit or slag by heat with only incipient fusion.
FRIT v. to fuse into a vitreous substance, also FRITT.
LIFTGATEliftgate n. (Truck equipment) A hydraulic or electric platform that installs onto the rear of a vehicle and which…
liftgate n. (Automotive) A closure at the rear of a vehicle, or rear door, that can be raised to access the back of a vehicle.
LIFTGATE n. a rear panel on a station wagon that opens upward.
OUTFIGHToutfight v. To fight or battle better than.
OUTFIGHT v. to surpass in fighting.
PETTIFOGpettifog v. To quibble over trivial matters; nitpick.
pettifog v. To do a petty business as a lawyer, or carry out law business in a petty or tricky way.
PETTIFOG v. to quibble.
TUFTINGStuftings n. Plural of tufting.
TUFTING n. the act of decorating with tufts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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