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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing F, 2S, T and U

FETUSESfetuses n. Plural of fetus.
FETUS n. (Latin) the unborn in the womb with distinctly formed parts, also FOETUS.
FUSSPOTfusspot n. (Informal) A person who makes a fuss, particularly about trivial things.
fusspot v. (Informal, intransitive) To make a fuss, particularly about trivial things.
FUSSPOT n. a fussy person.
FUSTETSfustets n. Plural of fustet.
FUSTET n. (French) the wood of a tree growing in the West Indies, used in dyeing yellow, also FUSTIC, FUSTOC.
FUSTICSfustics n. Plural of fustic.
FUSTIC n. (French) the wood of a tree growing in the West Indies, used in dyeing yellow, also FUSTET, FUSTOC.
FUSTOCSFUSTOC n. (French) the wood of a tree growing in the West Indies, used in dyeing yellow, also FUSTET, FUSTIC.
FUTSALSFUTSAL n. a form of association football, played indoors with five a side, also FOOTSAL.
SHUFTISshuftis n. Plural of shufti.
SHUFTI n. (colloquial) a look, a dekko, also SHUFTY.
SUNFASTsunfast adj. (US) Colorfast in a way that will not fade in sunlight.
SUNFAST adj. resistant to fading by the sun.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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