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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing F, L, M, O and R

ALIFORMaliform adj. Shaped like a wing.
aliform adj. (Of a building) Having wings.
ALIFORM adj. wing-shaped.
FEMORALfemoral adj. Of, pertaining to, or near the femur or thigh.
FEMORAL adj. pertaining to the femur.
FORMALSformals n. Plural of formal.
FORMAL n. a social event that requires evening dress.
FORMFULformful adj. (Obsolete) creative; imaginative…
formful adj. Not formless; having a form; substantive.
formful adj. Well formed; aesthetically pleasing and skillfully constructed.
FORMOLSformols n. Plural of formol.
FORMOL n. a formic aldehyde used as an antiseptic, also FORMALIN.
FORMULAformula n. (Mathematics) Any mathematical rule expressed symbolically.
formula n. (Chemistry) A symbolic expression of the structure of a compound.
formula n. A plan or method for dealing with a problem or for achieving a result.
FORMYLSformyls n. Plural of formyl.
FORMYL n. a radical derived from formic acid.
MERFOLKmerfolk n. Mythical creatures that are human from the waist up and fish from the waist down.
MERFOLK n. mermen and mermaids.
ROOMFULroomful n. The amount that a room can hold, especially the number of people that can fit into a room.
roomful n. The people in a room, considered as a group.
roomful adj. Abounding with room or rooms; roomy.
WOLFRAMwolfram n. Wolframite.
wolfram n. (Dated) tungsten.
WOLFRAM n. (German) an alternative name for tungsten.
WORMFLYWORMFLY n. a type of fishing fly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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