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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing F, I, S and 2T

FATTIESfatties n. Plural of fatty.
FATTY n. one that is fat.
FATTISHfattish adj. Somewhat fat.
FATTISH adj. somewhat fat.
FATTISMfattism n. Discrimination on the grounds of fatness.
FATTISM n. discrimination against fat people.
FATTISTfattist n. An advocate of fattism.
fattist adj. Of, relating to, or advocating fattism.
FATTIST adj. discriminating against fat people.
FITTERSfitters n. Plural of fitter.
FITTER n. one that fits.
FITTESTfittest adj. Superlative form of fit: most fit.
fittest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of fit.
FIT adj. in a good healthy condition.
FLUTISTflutist n. Alternative form of flautist.
FLUTIST n. one who plays the flute, also FLAUTIST, FLUTER.
LEFTISTleftist n. (Politics, generally) A person who holds views associated with the political left.
leftist n. (Politics, specifically) Someone who holds socialist or communist-leaning economic views, usually alongside…
leftist adj. Of or pertaining to the political left.
OUTFITSoutfits n. Plural of outfit.
OUTFIT v. to equip.
SITFASTsitfast n. A callosity with inflamed edges, on the back of a horse, under the saddle.
sitfast adj. Fixed; stationary; immovable.
SITFAST n. a lump on a horse's skin.
STRIFTSSTRIFT n. a struggle.
TESTIFYtestify v. To make a declaration, or give evidence, under oath.
testify v. To make a statement based on personal knowledge or faith.
TESTIFY v. to bear witness.
THRIFTSthrifts n. Plural of thrift.
Thrifts prop.n. Plural of Thrift.
THRIFT n. frugality or economy.
TITFERStitfers n. Plural of titfer.
TITFER n. (slang) cockney rhyming slang for a hat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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