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There are 13 seven-letter words containing F, I, O, S and U

FIBROUSfibrous adj. Of or pertaining to fibre.
fibrous adj. Containing many fibres - referring mainly to food.
FIBROUS adj. containing, or consisting of, fibers.
FOLIOUSfolious adj. Like a leaf; thin; insubstantial.
folious adj. (Botany) foliose.
FOLIOUS adj. having leaves, also FOLIOSE.
FOLIUMSfoliums n. Plural of folium.
FOLIUM n. (Latin) a leaf, a thin layer.
FOULIESfoulies n. (Informal, nautical) Synonym of oilskins.
FOULIE n. (Australian slang) a bad mood.
FUCOIDSfucoids n. Plural of fucoid.
FUCOID n. a seaweed of the genus Fucus, also FUCOIDAL.
FURIOSOfurioso adv. (Music) Rapidly and with passion.
furioso n. (Obsolete) A furious person; a violent madman.
FURIOSO n. (Italian) a mad person.
FURIOUSfurious adj. Feeling great anger; raging; violent.
furious adj. Rushing with impetuosity; moving with violence.
FURIOUS adj. extremely angry.
FUSHIONFUSHION n. (Scots) physical energy or strength, also FIZZEN, FOISON, FUSION.
FUSIONSfusions n. Plural of fusion.
FUSION n. (Scots) physical energy or strength, also FIZZEN, FOISON, FUSHION.
OUTFISHoutfish v. (Transitive) To catch bigger (or more) fish than.
OUTFISH v. to surpass in fishing.
OUTFITSoutfits n. Plural of outfit.
OUTFIT v. to equip.
SOUPFINsoupfin n. The school shark.
SOUPFIN n. the requiem shark, whose fin is used for soup.
TUFOLISTUFOLI n. (Italian) a large macaroni shell.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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