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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing F, I, 2O and T

BIGFOOTbigfoot v. (Transitive, informal, sometimes capitalized) To control or manage forcefully; to exercise authority over.
bigfoot v. (Intransitive, informal, sometimes capitalized) To behave in an authoritative, commanding manner.
Bigfoot n. (US, Canada, cryptozoology, folklore) A very large, hairy, humanoid creature, similar to the yeti, said…
FINFOOTfinfoot n. Three species in three monospecific genera of aquatic bird in the family Heliornithidae.
fin-foot n. Alternative spelling of finfoot.
FINFOOT n. a South American bird allied to the grebes.
FOOTIESfooties n. Plural of footy.
footies n. Plural of footie.
FOOTIE n. (slang) football.
FOOTINGfooting n. A ground for the foot; place for the foot to rest on; firm foundation to stand on.
footing n. A standing; position; established place; foothold.
footing n. A relative condition; state.
FOOTSIEfootsie n. A flirting game where two people touch their feet together, under a table or otherwise concealed, as…
footsie n. (Childish) A foot.
footsie n. (Slang) A selfie (self-taken photograph) of one’s feet.
OCTOFIDoctofid adj. (Botany) Cleft or separated into eight segments.
OCTOFID adj. cleft or separated into eight segments, as a calyx.
OOFIESTOOFY adj. expensive, ostentatious.
OOFTISHooftish n. (Archaic, British slang) Money.
OOFTISH n. (Yiddish) money, also OOF.
TIFOSOSTIFOSO n. (Italian) a fan or devotee of some sport.
WITLOOFwitloof n. (Cooking) Belgian endive, common chicory (Cichorium intybus).
WITLOOF n. (Dutch) a kind of chicory with white leaves.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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