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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing F, I, L and 2R

FERLIERFERLY adj. marvellous.
FLARIERFLARY adj. tending to flare.
FLIRTERflirter n. One who flirts.
FLIRTER n. someone who flirts.
FLORIERFLORY adj. having fleur-de-lis.
FRAILERfrailer adj. Comparative form of frail: more frail.
frailer n. One who plays a musical instrument by frailing.
FRAIL adj. weak, infirm.
FRIARLYfriarly adj. Befitting a friar.
FRIARLY adj. resembling or characteristic of a friar.
FRILLERfriller n. A person or machine that creates frills.
FRILLER n. one that frills.
FURRILYfurrily adv. In a furry manner.
FURRY adv. covered in fur.
RIFFLERriffler n. A mechanical device consisting of a metal box with a series of vertical slats through which material…
riffler n. A curved file used in carving wood and marble.
RIFFLER n. a small file with curved ends used in woodworking.
RIFLERSriflers n. Plural of rifler.
RIFLER n. a hawk that grasps only feathers in striking at the quarry.
RIFLERYriflery n. The practice of firing a rifle, especially in precision target shooting.
RIFLERY n. the practice of shooting at targets with a rifle.
TRIFLERtrifler n. One who trifles, or treats something as inconsequential.
trifler n. A pewterer who produced small pewter utensils such as salt cellars.
TRIFLER n. one who trifles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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