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There are 13 seven-letter words containing F, I, L, O and U

BIOFUELbiofuel n. Any fuel that is obtained from a renewable biological resource, especially from biomass.
BIOFUEL n. a fuel (as wood or ethanol) composed of or produced from biological raw materials.
FLORUITfloruit n. The time period during which a person, group, culture, etc. is at its peak.
FLORUIT n. (Latin) the period during which a person, movement, etc. was active.
FLUORICfluoric adj. (Chemistry) Pertaining to, obtained from or containing fluorine.
fluoric adj. (Obsolete, inorganic chemistry) hydrofluoric.
FLUORIC adj. pertaining to, obtained from, or containing, fluorine.
FLUORIDfluorid n. Archaic form of fluoride.
FLUORID n. a compound of fluorine, also FLUORIDE.
FLUORINfluorin n. Archaic form of fluorine.
FLUORIN n. a gaseous element, also FLUORINE.
FLUXIONfluxion n. (Obsolete, mathematics) The derivative of a function.
fluxion n. (Rare or archaic) The action of flowing.
fluxion n. (Rare or archaic) A difference or variation.
FOLIOUSfolious adj. Like a leaf; thin; insubstantial.
folious adj. (Botany) foliose.
FOLIOUS adj. having leaves, also FOLIOSE.
FOLIUMSfoliums n. Plural of folium.
FOLIUM n. (Latin) a leaf, a thin layer.
FOULIESfoulies n. (Informal, nautical) Synonym of oilskins.
FOULIE n. (Australian slang) a bad mood.
FOULINGfouling v. Present participle of foul.
fouling n. The adhesion of a foreign material onto a surface, especially so as to reduce its functionality.
FOULING n. a deposit or crust.
TOILFULtoilful adj. Producing or involving much toil; laborious.
TOILFUL adj. producing or involving much toil; laborious.
TUFOLISTUFOLI n. (Italian) a large macaroni shell.
ZUFFOLIzuffoli n. Plural of zuffolo.
ZUFFOLO n. (Italian) a small flute to train birds, also ZUFOLO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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